This plugin is no longer maintained.
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Mailchimp for Craft Commerce

Mailchimp for Craft Commerce

Sync your Store, Products, Carts, Orders, Customers, and Promotions to Mailchimp and leverage their full suite of marketing solutions, including abandoned carts, order status notifications, and more.


Field Mapping


Preventing Syncing

If you want to prevent anything from being synced (i.e. in your staging environment) you can do so by creating a Mailchimp Commerce config file (mailchimp-commerce.php) in your config/ directory, and add the following:


return [
	'staging' => [
		'disableSyncing' => true,

You can use the config file to override any of the settings in the plugin. See Settings.php for all the settings. Be aware the some settings must not be modified.

Local Development

Please note that Mailchimp requires a valid, publicly accessible URL for some of the data that is sync'd. This means that if you are using the plugin in a local environment that isn't externally accessible some sync tasks will fail. We recommend testing the plugin in a staging environment, or using a service like ngrok to make your local environment public.

This plugin is no longer maintained.

Plus $5/year after one year.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

Active Installs
Craft 3
Last release
June 14, 2021
Activity (30 days)
Closed Issues
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Merged PRs
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