Billingo for Craft Commerce icon

Billingo for Craft Commerce

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This plugin will connect Craft Commerce with Billingo: whenever an Order is paid, a new invoice will be generated in Billingo. Once a Refund is made (even if it is a partial or a full refund) a new invoice will be generated while the previous one will be stornoed.


  • New invoice is generated when a successful payment is made.
  • On a partial refund the previous invoice is stornoed and a new one is generated with the new price.
  • On a full refund the invoice will stornoed.
  • If a target volume is set, the plugin will automatically download the newly generated invoice there.
  • Normal and Proform Invoices supported.
  • Configurable settings:

    • Invoice Type: Normal / Proform
    • Invoice Template Languages: hu, en, de, fr, hr, it, ro, slo
    • Electronic Invoice: yes / no
    • Ask Billingo to send e-mails to clients
    • VAT options: 0%, 5%, 18%, 27%
    • Rounding options: 0, 1, 5, 10
    • Block ID
    • Unit Type string
    • Invoice Volume
    • You can map your Craft Commerce gateways to Billingo Payment Methods.
    • You can override some of your default settings (Due Days & Invoice Type) for your payment gateways.
  • Support for Project Config


Plus $25/year after one year.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4
Last release
July 11, 2024
Activity (30 days)
Closed Issues
Open Issues
Merged PRs
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