Klarna Checkout for Craft Commerce icon

Klarna Checkout for Craft Commerce

This plugin is no longer maintained.
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Versjon 3.0

Klarna Checkout for Craft Commerce

This plugin provides Klarna integrations for Craft Commerce.

Version 3.0 released 🎉

  • Now with support for Europe 🇪🇺 North America 🇺🇸 and Oceania 🇦🇺 !
  • Choose between rendering Klarna and using redirect payments
  • Add external payment methods and checkouts


When upgrading from v1.x to v3.x please refer to UPDATE_v3.md.


This plugin requires Craft Commerce 3.0.0 or later.


You can install this plugin from the Plugin Store.

From the Plugin Store

Go to the Plugin Store in your project’s Control Panel and search for “Klarna Checkout”. Then click on the “Install” button in its modal window.


Contact us on support@ellera.no or create a new issue in GitHub.

You can also reach us by messaging @Jorgen on Discord.

The plugin logs errors and transactions to @storage/logs/klarna-checkout.log or @storage/logs/klarna-hpp.log. Please provide the relevant logs when reaching out.


  1. Make sure you have set the store location in Commerce -> Store Settings -> Store Location
  2. and Base URL in Settings -> Sites -> sitename -> Base URL.
  3. Install the plugin.
  4. Navigate to Commerce -> System Settings -> Gateways and + New Gateway
  5. Select Klarna Checkout or Klarna Hosted Payment Page from the dropdown.
  6. Set your information Playground credentials in API Credentials Europe Test Username (UID)/Test Password.
  7. Get Klarna Production Approval for your site
  8. Turn off "Testing Mode" and add production credentials for the Gateway

Klarna Checkout: Payment button

Since Klarna Checkout is rendering its own payment button, the craft-commerce default 'Pay' button must be removed. You can copy and overwrite your shop default checkout/payment.html file with vendor/ellera/commerce-klarna-checkout/src/templates/pages/checkout/payment.html or simply update your existing template with

{% if cart.gateway.handle is not same as('klarna') %}
    <button class="button button-primary" type="submit">Pay {{ cart.totalPrice|commerceCurrency(cart.paymentCurrency,convert=true) }}</button>
{% endif %}

Klarna Hosted Payment Page

For hosted payment pages the 'Pay' button is required to send the user to Klarna. When selecting Logo and Background images for Klarna HPP it is important that the Image asset is in a web accessible Volume.

Get Klarna Approval

You need approval from klarna before you can change to production mode.

Klarna Order Complete HTML

To render the Klarna Order Complete HTML you can use this code in your shop/customer/order template:

    {% if order.gateway.handle is same as('klarna') and order.gateway.hasHtml %}
        {{ order.gateway.getHtml(order.id)|raw }}
    {% else %}
        // Regular thank-you-page
    {% endif %}

Note: The Klarna OrderID is stored in the PHP session and the HTML is fetched from Klarna APIs. order.gateway.hasHtml will check that the session exist, and if not you can render the regular thank-you-page.

VAT and Taxes

Klarna requires tax to be sent per order line, not on the order in total, so for VAT and Taxes to be passed along to Klarna correctly, the taxable subject must be set to "Line item price". If the shipping cost is taxable as well, you need to create a separate tax rate for shipping and set that to "Order total shipping cost"

Using environment variables

UID, Password and Test Mode options can be controlled with environment variables. Add environment variables to your .env files and reference them in the settings page (Read more in the documentation).

The Test Mode setting can also be controlled with an environment variable, but this format is strict. Use KLARNA_TEST_MODE_<handle> where is the gateway handle.

Example .env:

# Klarna


I get 401 or 403 response when I turn off Test Mode

You need approval from Klarna before your account is approved for production.

Look for the "Resume onboarding" link under the menu on https://eu.portal.klarna.com/


  • Add support for project sync (project.yaml)


This plugin is no longer maintained.

Plus $99/year after one year.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.


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Active Installs
Craft 3
Last release
November 30, 2021
Activity (30 days)
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