Version 3.0.1
December 31, 2024
- Fix organisation validation occurring before being connected.
- Fix lack of error handling for organisations that have lost their connection.
- Fix lack of organisation name when saved, but not connected to a tenant.
- Improve instruction text for new organisations.
Version 3.0.0
October 22, 2024
- Now requires Craft 5.0+.
- Now requires Craft Commerce 5.0+.
Version 2.0.1
December 31, 2024
- Fix organisation validation occurring before being connected.
- Fix lack of error handling for organisations that have lost their connection.
- Fix lack of organisation name when saved, but not connected to a tenant.
- Improve instruction text for new organisations.
Version 2.0.0
October 22, 2024
The plugin’s package name has changed to
. Xero will need be updated to 2.0 from a terminal, by runningcomposer require verbb/xero && composer remove thejoshsmith/commerce-xero
- Added Organisations view.
- Added the ability to create multiple organisations, each pushing data to.
- Add the ability to set invoice status and line item type.
- Migration to
. - Migration to
for OAuth handling. - Now requires Craft 4.0+.
- Now requires Craft Commerce 4.0+.
March 9, 2021
- Fixed an issue with a migration that wasn't using Yii's table prefix syntax.
Version 1.0.4
March 9, 2021
- Fixed an issue with a DB where clause that wasn't using Yii's table prefix syntax.
Version 1.0.3
February 28, 2021
- Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL where boolean values were cast as integers and therefore failed model validation
- Re-enabled db transaction when saving connections
Version 1.0.2
February 28, 2021
- Custom CP triggers are now supported
- Added a plugin description and settings shortcut
- Fixed an issue where Yii's dependency injection was creating an object without the required token parameter
- Fixed a minor issue where side bar meta instructions were showing pre Craft version 3.5.17
- Fixed an issue where the callback shown was hard coded to my dev callback URL 🤦
- Fixed an issue where certain DB columns weren't nullable
Version 1.0.1
February 15, 2021
- Fixed an issue where cp nav item wasn't showing sub menu
- Fixed a minor issue where a successful connection saved notice was always shown, even if it wasn't the case
- Improved robustness of selecting the current organisation with a db transaction
Version 1.0.0
February 13, 2021
- Plugin has been shifted to a new repository
- Improved model validation
- Restored the "Send to Xero" functionality from completed orders
- Fixed a bug where switching organisations would overwrite the Xero connection ID with the plugin's connection ID
Version 1.0.0-beta.2
February 13, 2021
- Users can now select from a list of organisations
- Improved multi-tenant support
- Users can now disconnect organisations programatically
- Fixed a bug where the current connection wasn't returning the right organisation
Version 1.0.0-beta.1
February 12, 2021
- Added support for Xero OAuth 2.0
- Plugin now has a CP nav item
- Account code mappings and settings can be changed in production mode
- Refactored code base
Version 0.9.3
October 5, 2019
- order items sent to Xero now use Crafts prodsuct description, which if isn't set defaults to title.
- fixed an issue where active carts weren't viewable when plugin was enabled.
- example xero.php config file include for multi environment setups.
Version 0.9.2
August 21, 2019
- ca-bundle.crt is now required in settings, documentation has been updated. A ca-bundle file can easily be downloaded from github or firefox and then put in the same folder as your other cert files.
Version 0.9.1
August 1, 2019
- Fixed an issue where items where passing through an incorrect total
Version 0.9.0
July 20, 2019
- Initial BETA release
- Added ability to connect to Xero
- Added ability to configure Chart of Accounts
- Added ability autmatically send invoices to Xero
- Added ability to manually send invoices to Xero