Version 5.0.0

May 23, 2024


  • Environment Label is ready for Craft 5!


  • Removed getJs(). The plugin no longer registers any info in JavaScript.

Version 4.0.3

April 25, 2023


  • Fixed a bug where a naked hex string returned from the Color field would produce invalid CSS. (#15)

Version 4.0.2

July 28, 2022


  • Fixed some additional errors that would occur if the CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT constant was not defined. (#12)


  • Deprecated getJs() and slated JS features for removal in 5.x, because they're not actually very useful. (Please open an issue if you're using these features!)

Version 4.0.1

July 11, 2022


  • Fixed an error that occurred when instantiating a Settings model, if the CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT constant was not defined.

Version 4.0.0

April 27, 2022


  • Environment Label is ready for Craft 4!


  • Fully typed Settings properties.
  • Moved Label component to the root namespace.
  • Moved Settings model to the root namespace.
  • Moved TwigExtension to the root namespace.


  • Deprecated $textColor and $labelColor. (These styles will probably be specified via custom CSS in future versions.)
  • Deprecated $prefixText, getPrefixText(), $suffixText, and getSuffixText(). (These will probably be consolidated in future versions, so that the text of the label only includes $labelText.)


  • Removed EnvironmentLabel::$plugin static accessor; use getInstance() instead.

Version 3.2.0

January 6, 2019


  • Added compatibility with new (Craft 3.4+) control panel layout. (#8)
  • Added the targetSelector setting, which optionally overrides the CSS selector for the label banner.

Version 3.1.5

November 2, 2018


  • Fixed order-of-loading conflicts that could generate an error when Environment Label tried to add a Twig global. (#6)
  • Add craftcms/cms 3.0 as a requirement. (Required by plugin store)

Version 3.1.4

June 5, 2018


  • Replaced broken URL to docs.

Version 3.1.3

March 22, 2018


  • Updated the docs and example config file to reference the correct settings handles for prefixText and suffixText.

Version 3.1.2

March 8, 2018


  • Removed a slightly overzealous typehint that causes an error in PHP 7.0 (since the void return type wasn't added until 7.1).

Version 3.1.1

December 31, 2017


  • The environmentLabel Twig global now provides access directly to the Label service.


  • The label text is now rendered later in the request (in response to the View's BEFORE_RENDER_PAGE_TEMPLATE event, rather than during the plugin initialization). This allows other plugins to register Twig extensions before we first use Twig to render the label text.


  • Removed the EnvironmentLabelTwigExtension in favor of a global pass-through to the Label service.

Version 3.0.0

December 25, 2017


  • Environment Label is ready for Craft 3!