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Current integrations provided are:

Allows your website users to create and manage tickets through your selected helpdesk provider:

Add the Dashboard Widget for a quick look at all active tickets (not Solved, Resolved, Closed, etc) and quick links to Create New Ticket or View All Tickets.

Helpdesk sidebar nav icon will auto-update to the Provider selected in the plugin settings, and clicking this main navigation link will show a list of all of that customer's tickets (including Solved, Resolved, Closed, etc).

Click a ticket's subject to view the details of that ticket, including a sidebar with all details (ID, Requester Name, Date Created and Last Updated, Assignee, etc) and a list of all of the conversations/replies to that ticket, as well as a form to add a reply w/ any attachments.

Or use the main menu's Create New Ticket option to submit a new ticket directly from Craft.

Plus $19/year after one year.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

Active Installs
Craft 3
Last release
February 12, 2021
Activity (30 days)
Closed Issues
Open Issues
Merged PRs
Open PRs