oEmbed - Video, Maps & Rich Media icon

oEmbed - Video, Maps & Rich Media

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An incredibly simple plugin that takes a website and returns an iFrame and/ or extract page information from rich media websites, supporting all major services such as Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram, Google Maps, SoundCloud, MixCloud, blog articles, and much more.


  • No fancy buttons or popups, just paste the URL and that's it or use the simple Twig functions.
  • Support for all popular providers and websites including Youtube, Vimeo, Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, Github, Flickr, Wikipedia and many more.
  • Supports any website that supports the oEmbed format.
  • Inline preview to allow for quick content editing without need for Live Preview, with togglable setting to be hidden be default.
  • Builtin caching support to allow for improved page loads.
  • Powerful GraphQL features to leverge the latest Craft CMS offerings.
  • Builtin in Twig functions and filters allow the features without the need for a field.
  • Get email notifications when broken URLs are detected, preventing embarrassing situations with your site users and stakeholders.
  • New automatic GDPR support for Youtube and Vimeo for a better content editing experience without the lengthy user training.

Endless data

Gain access to all the images, embed codes, tags, feeds and other metadata from a URL using the powerful Twig functions and filters.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4, Craft 5
Last release
July 25, 2024
Activity (30 days)
Closed Issues
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Merged PRs
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