Simple Logger
Simple Logger plugin for Craft CMS
Plugin for collecting exception handlers logs and reporting over email.
A simple solution for those who can't or won't pay for corporate solution loggers like: New Relic, Dynatrace, Datadog and others.
composer require leowebguy/simple-logger && php craft plugin/install simple-logger
Set these two .env
parameters to make sure Simple Logger is active
# Simple Logger
accept multiple emails,
The plugin will use the built-in craft event EVENT_BEFORE_HANDLE_EXCEPTION
to handle
exceptions, saving into a custom log file storage/logs/simplelogger.json
"time": "2023-01-21 17:37:21",
"sourcetype": "Exception 400",
"level_name": "ERROR",
"message": "TwigErrorRuntimeError: Calling unknown method: craftwebtwigvariablesCraftVariable::deviceDetect1() in /var/www/html/templates/index.twig:10"
Using the same event above, Simple Logger will once a day (after 8pm) collect the report and send an email to LOGGER_EMAIL
defined recipient
Simple Logger won't collect NotFoundHttpException
exceptions, mostly related to inexistent pages or resources
Did we miss something?
To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.