SS Twitter Feed
SS Twitter Feed
A plugin for Craft CMS that allows you to retrive your Twitter timeline.
Configuring SS Twitter Feed
Once you’ve installed the SS Twitter Feed plugin. Go to plugin settings to connect to twitter. Just click on button get your Twitter Access Token and Twitter Secret.
Using SS Twitter Feed
You can directly access multidimensional array of your Twitter posts using following method. Each post has Following components you can get to:
- name ( The name of the Twitter account )
- screen_name ( The screen name of the Twitter account )
- text ( Twitter text )
- text_html ( Twitter text with links )
- profile_image_url( Profile picture of your Twitter account )
- url ( The Twitter url )
- image_url ( Twitter media image url )
- images ( Multiple images retrieve ( array ) )
- retweet_count ( Total number of retweet count )
- favorite_count ( Total number of likes the post recieved )
- created_at ( The tweet post time )
- tweet_date ( To display original date format which is given by twitter, Also you can be able to filter/formats date as you wish using twig date filter )
- retweet_link (The retweet link on site )
- favorite_link ( Favorite link )
{% for tweet in craft.ssTwitterFeed.displayPost( '5' ) %}
{{ tweet.url }}
{{ tweet.screen_name }}
{{ tweet.text }} {# OR {{ tweet.text_html | raw }} #}
{% for images in tweet.images %}
{{ images.media_url }}
{% endfor %}
{{ tweet.created_at }}
{{ tweet.retweet_count }}
{{ tweet.favorite_count }}
{% endfor %}
Installation Instructions
To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.
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Last release
June 2, 2022
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