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SS User Import Export

Import users and export users made fast and simple! Craft User migration is a vital part of when site migration process. This plugin helps new users import using CSV and export users in the CSV file. As well as keep user's data in the CSV format.

Configuring SS User Import Export

  • Craft Pro version is required because multiple users supported only in the pro version.
  • After plugin installed go to the plugin settings. If plugin not installed then first install plugin from settings > plugins.
  • Importing a CSV file format: ( First row in the CSV file must be heading. )csv-example

Using SS User Import Export


  • Export users using group wise or all the users in the CSV file.
  • You can able to enter file name and save exporting file as per your choice name.
  • Select status for example only active status users will export. If not selcet any one then all the users exported.
  • Select user fields as your need. [ Supported fieldType is 'Plain Text', 'Radio Buttons', 'Dropdown', 'Lightswitch', 'Email', 'URL' and 'Number'. ]


  • First, To import multiple users, you need to upload a CSV file.. You can create the CSV file or you can export a CSV file from Export tabs then edit it. Also mapping Field as necessary:
  • The CSV file must include all of the columns in the following:
  • Username* : Username must be a unique and required field.
  • Email* : Email must be a unique and valid otherwise users will not imported.
  • FirstName (Optional): Select value for first name otherwise empty added.
  • LastName (Optional): Select value for last name otherwise empty added.
  • Group* : First you need to create a group after that add group handle value in the CSV file. if group value will empty or group handle value incorrect then Default User Group consider (Settings->Users->settings(Allow public registration?) ).
  • Status (Optional) : Default value is pending. Status value should be active, pending, suspended.
  • Password (Optional): This field value is a simple string not a hashed values. If password value will empty and user status active then activation mail will send to your email address where password set link available.
  • User fields: Supported fieldType is 'Plain Text', 'Radio Buttons', 'Dropdown', 'Lightswitch', 'Email', 'URL' and 'Number'.

SS User Import Export Roadmap

There are two tabs in the plugin settings.

(1) Export:

  • You can able to select multiple groups and status.
  • If the group is not selected then all the users exported and the same thing will happen in the Status.
  • Also user fields are exportable. But not all the fieldType.

(2) Import:

  • Username and Email are unique and required.
  • Activation mail will only send if the proper email setting will be done( Settings < Email )
  • You have to manualy create user group and then use group handle value in the CSV file.
  • Pending status: User Status is a pending then admin need to active user account after that user will be able to login. But if the password does not import or empty while importing then the admin need to Send Activation Mail manually from CP.
  • Active status: Activation mail has been sent to the user email address where the user can able to set a password. But if the password is imported while the user importing then the user can able directly log in to an account.

SS User Import Export features

  • Easy to install and easy to use.
  • User migration from one site to other.
  • Field mapping is available while importing users.
  • Choice to Send Activation Email for newly imported Active Users.


Plus $6/year after one year.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.


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Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4, Craft 5
Last release
July 8, 2024
Activity (30 days)
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