Version 2.1.0
November 9, 2019
- New icons for plugin
- Sweet Alert 2 for confirmation box
- Ajax behavior for the utilities buttons, they now display a confirmation box and then a success / error message
- Change XMLHttpRequest request to be Promise-based
- Change sucess message from BuildController to return the build ID
- StaticSitePipelineSyncAsset.php to include new Sweet Alert js script
- Added more insightful names for the columns on the settings page
- Resources folder
- Unnecessary HTML from the _utility.twig view
- Unused selectors from the CSS file
Version 2.0.1
November 1, 2019
- Updated composer.json to fix a syntax issue
Version 2.0.0
October 31, 2019
- BuildController class
- Utiliy class
- _settings and _utility twig templates
- Plugin behavior to trigger CodeBuild instead of CodePipeline
- Plugin menu location from sidebar navigation to Utilities menu navigation
- Model properties and added build project related properties
- Syntax to follow PHP7.2 and Craft code guidelines
- Translation file to match replacement placeholders inside classes
- config.php to reflect new available properties inside the model
- CSS rules and added new selectors
- JS file to trigger ajax requests from the new plugin interface
- CpController class
- home and settings twig templates
Version 1.0.0
May 31, 2019
- Initial release