Odds & Ends is an essential Craft CMS plugin that contains a collection of useful tools to make content management easier and more efficient. This plugin contains tools to customise Field Types (including custom block widths, instruction markdowns, and locked/disabled fields), as well as useful Widgets and other handy features.

Field types


This lets you define the width of a block as well as left and right padding. This field simply outputs three sets of classes which can be defined when setting the field up.

Width Field SettingsWidth Field

Author Instructions

This lets you output markdown instead of a field, which is useful when you have a Matrix block that doesn’t have any fields.

Author Instructions Example

Categories (multiple groups)

A Categories input that lets you select multiple Category groups.


An Entries input that only shows the ancestors of the current Entry.

Search Fields

Like the Tags input, but for entries and categories (without the auto-creation feature). If Craft Commerce is installed, search fields for products and variants are also available.

Disabled Fields

The same as regular fields, but disabled. Useful for situations where you want to integrate with a third party API and store that information in a field but don’t want the user to change it.

The following field types are currently supported:

  • Entries
  • Categories
  • Lightswitch
  • Number
  • PlainText
  • Dropdown
  • Commerce Products
  • Commerce Variants


Roll Your Own

A simple widget that lets you assign a template to load from your site templates folder. Go nuts.


Download File

A controller action that will download an asset file.

The id parameter is required and must be a valid asset ID.


<a href="{{ actionUrl('tools/tools/download-file', { id: entry.assetField.one().id }) }}">Download</a>
Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4, Craft 5
Last release
September 24, 2023
Activity (30 days)
Closed Issues
Open Issues
Merged PRs
Open PRs