Version 5.10.0

January 7, 2025
  • Feed Me settings are now only available to admins and when allowAdminChanges is set to true. (#1581)
  • Added support for Craft Time fields. (#1593)
  • Added support for formatted and raw subfields in the Google Maps plugin. (#1587)
  • Fixed a bug where excessive logs would be generated in the Feed Me logs table in the database. (#1594)
  • Fixed a bug where empty values were not respected for inner-element fields when setEmptyValues is set to true. (#1590)
  • Fixed a bug where values with an empty string would not be treated as empty if setEmtpyValues is set to true. (#1591)

Version 5.9.0

November 26, 2024
  • Added the assetDownloadGuzzle config setting which defaults to false. When it is set to true, Feed Me will use Guzzle to download assets instead curl directly. (#1549)
  • Fixed a bug where importing matching Categories could go awry if the source of the field is set to a group and not a custom source. (#1550)

Version 5.8.2

October 15, 2024
  • When duplicating a feed, a new passkey is generated instead of using the passkey on the original feed. (#1534)

Version 5.8.1

October 9, 2024
  • Fixed a bug where Lightswitch fields would not import correctly when nested in a Matrix or Super Table field. (#1529)
  • Fixed a bug where Commerce Variant attributes were not respecting the parseTwig config setting. (#1326)

Version 5.8.0

September 25, 2024
  • Added support for importing into relational fields that have custom sources selected. (#1504)
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when uploading files to an Assets field from an external URL and a new filename is provided, but we can't determine the remote file's extension. (#1506)
  • Fixed a bug where the fields available to map within a given Entries field could not match the fields from that Entry type's field layout. (#1503)

Version 5.7.0

August 14, 2024
  • Added a feed-me/logs/clear console command to clear database logs.
  • Fixed a bug where the logs table would not load with a large number of logs.

Version 5.6.2

August 14, 2024
  • Fixed a bug where un-redacted environment variables were being logged to the database. (#1491)

Version 5.6.1

July 18, 2024
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing Assets that had a missing filename. (#1481)
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when importing into a Dropdown field that did not support empty strings as a value and the feed had an empty string. (#1484)

Version 5.6.0

July 9, 2024

Feed Me now logs to the database by default. This may lead to an increase in database size if logs are not cleared. To customize this behavior, see Customizing Logs. Consider configuring the logging setting to 'error' to reduce logs.

  • Fixed a bug where simple value comparisons would fail if the value you were checking against was missing. (#1473)
  • Fixed a bug where assets imported into a Matrix field with “Use this filename for assets created from URL” set would duplicate the first asset across all Matrix blocks. (#1472)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Disable missing elements globally” setting was only working for the primary site. (#1474)
  • Fixed an error that would occur when running a feed with the backup database setting enabled, when Craft's backupCommand was set to false. (#1461)
  • Logs now use the default log component, and are stored in the database. #1344

Version 5.5.0

May 26, 2024
  • You can now match elements in a feed via their Asset IDs, instead of just the filename. (#1327)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing multiple values into a relational field in some scenarios. (#1436)
  • Fixed a bug where mapping a relational field that has the “maintain hierarchy” setting enabled would give false positives when comparing the contents of the field. (#1442)
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when importing numeric values into a multi-select field. (#1444)
  • Fixed a bug where a feed’s title could leak when processing a direct feed and there was a validation error. (#1445)
  • Fixed a bug where Date fields could cause false positives when comparing their values. (#1447)
  • Fixed a MySQL error that could occur when you have a lot of field mapping data. (#1446)

Version 5.4.0

February 25, 2024
  • Feed Me now requires Craft 4.6 or later.
  • Added support for importing into the native Country field. (#1410)
  • Fixed a bug where the Entry Type wouldn’t be remembered for related Entry fields in a feed’s mappings. (#1387, #1390)

Version 5.3.0

November 27, 2023
  • Added the ability to provide a filename for importing assets via the assets field if you choose to “Create asset from URL”. (#749)
  • Fixed a bug where you could not override feed settings with false if you used a config/feed-me.php config file. (#1352)
  • Fixed a bug where queueTtr, queueMaxRetry, and assetDownloadCurl settings were being ignored if you used a config/feed-me.php config file. (#1356)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when you map an entry field with a default value and there is an empty value in the feed. (#1250)
  • Fixed a bug where the maxRelations setting was not being respected for relational fields. (#1354)
  • Fixed a bug where importing assets with “Use existing assets” could create duplicate assets. (#1348)
  • Fixed a bug where importing Address data from the Google Maps plugin could cause duplicate Addresses if the Address already existed. (#1370)
  • Fixed a bug where updating entry statuses for a site in a site group, would update statuses for all sites in the site group instead of the targeted one. (#1208)
  • Fixed a bug where you could not use false to override feed settings in config/feed-me.php. (#1380)
  • Fixed a bug where importing nested element fields would not work in some scenarios. (#1378)
  • Fixed a bug where empty column headings in a feed would cause incorrect values to be selected in the pagination URL dropdown when mapping a feed. (#1375)
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when using Feed Me with fields that have been entrified in Craft. (1346).

Version 5.2.0

July 6, 2023
  • The “Create if they do not exist” setting on a feed’s mapping now conditionally show/hide the checkbox for Categories, Entries and Users relation fields. (#1077)
  • Fixed a bug where setEmptyValues wasn’t being respected when mapping Redactor and CKEditor fields. (#1321)
  • Fixed a bug where an element’s status would not update on a multi-site install if the status was the only thing that changed. (#1310)
  • Fixed a bug where the DataTypes::EVENT_AFTER_FETCH_FEED event was not being fired for local feeds. (#1101)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could happen when importing into a User field. (#844)
  • Fixed a bug where slugs imported from a feed would not be respected if they contained underscores. (#603)
  • Fixed a bug where nested subcategories sharing the same slug but with different parents would only import the last subcategory. (#780)
  • Fixed a bug where you could not import a Category, Entry, Product, or Digital Product with a “0” as the title or slug. (#1102)
  • Fixed a bug where feeds would break for elements that had been “entrified”. (#1340)

Version 5.1.4

June 15, 2023
  • Fixed a bug where Lightswitch and Number fields could get incorrect results in an import if setEmptyValues was set to false in a feed’s settings. (#1329, #1330)


May 2, 2023
  • Fixed a bug where custom fields would not import on PostgreSQL.

Version 5.1.3

April 28, 2023

If you have an existing Commerce Products feed, you may need to resave its settings after updating.

  • Improved feed mapping performance for large category groups and structure sections. (#1255, #1293)
  • Improved Matrix field importing performance. (#1291, #1307)
  • Fixed a bug where “Use default value” wasn’t mapping boolean fields properly. (#1304, #1305)
  • Fixed a bug where imported categories could become orphaned if their parents were disabled. (#555)
  • Fixed a bug where pagination wasn’t working for feeds whose URL contained an alias. (#1244, #1301)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing some feeds. (#1298, #1299)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing a Craft Commerce product feed that contained “Post Date” or Expiry Date” fields. (#1287, #1296)
  • Fixed a bug where the mapping UI for Table fields didn’t include default value options. (#1254, #1300)
  • Fixed a bug where date and time values weren’t getting imported into Table fields properly. (#604, #1300)
  • Fixed a bug where users’ “Preferred Locale” settings weren’t getting imported properly. (#612, #1289)
  • Fixed a PHP error occurred if Feed Me’s logging level was set to error. (#1295, #1297)
  • Fixed a bug where entries with a custom propagation method weren’t getting imported properly. (#1279, #1292)

Version 5.1.2

April 17, 2023
  • Added support for importing into CKEditor as an inner element field.
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when saving a feed using an Asset element type with no volume selected.
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing a feed that has setEmptyValues set to off on the feed. (#1269)
  • Fixed several bugs related to empty and non-existent feed values and the “Set Empty Values” feed setting. (#1271)
  • Fixed a bug where that prevented importing data as Commerce Variants. (#464, #1168)
  • Fixed a bug were you could not import into Redactor as an inner element field.
  • Fixed a bug where mapping into fields that support inner elements that were inside of Matrix, content from the first element was used to populate all other elements. (#1227, #1278)
  • Fixed a bug where importing a user with an empty user photo in the feed, would assign an incorrect photo for the user. (#582, #1283)
  • Fixed a bug where importing into Matrix sub fields could use incorrect data when “Use default value” was selected for the field. (#674, #1282)
  • Removed the “Collapsed” checkbox from Matrix feed mapping screens. (#709, #1284)
  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.


March 24, 2023
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing into some 3rd party fields. (#1264, #1265)

Version 5.1.1

March 20, 2023
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that would occur on case-sensitive filesystems when using Feed Me. (#1260, #1257, #1258, #1259)

Version 5.1.0

March 17, 2023

If you have an existing Google Maps feed, you may need to remap its fields after updating.

  • Added the “Set Empty Values” feed setting, which determines whether empty values in the feed should be respected or ignored. (#1228, #797, #723, #854, #680)
  • Added support for Money fields.
  • Added support for users’ Full Name fields. (#1235)
  • Changes made to craft\feedme\events\ElementEvent::$parsedValue via craft\feedme\base\Element::EVENT_AFTER_PARSE_ATTRIBUTE are now respected. (#1172)
  • Disabled elements are no longer redundantly re-disabled, drastically improving the performance of some feed imports. (#1248, #1241)
  • Fixed a bug where some feed element data would be considered changed even if there were no changes. (#1220, #1219, #1223, #1219)
  • Fixed a bug where the default value modal for relational fields on the feed mapping page would show all available sources, not just the sources allowed for the field. (#1234)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when a feed contained an empty value that was mapped to an Assets field. (#1229, #1195, #1106, #1154)
  • Fixed a bug where arrays could be misinterpreted during feed imports. (#1236, #1237, #1238)
  • Fixed several issues related to importing categories and Structure section entries. (#1240, #1154)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing relational field data within a Matrix field. (#1069)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when importing an asset with a filename over 255 characters long.
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if an Entries field was configured to use a custom source. (#1186)
  • Fixed a bug where importing into Matrix fields that had identically-named sub-fields across block types would only import to the first matching field. (#1185, #1226, #1184)
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Google Maps 4.3+. (#1245)

Version 5.0.5

January 9, 2023


  • Fixed a bug where enabledForSite was still being used in element selector modal criteria. (#1126)
  • Fixed a bug where a user’s status wouldn’t be set to “Active” if the feed specified so. (#1182)
  • Fixed a bug where sites in a Site Group would all have their statuses updated when a feed was targeting a single site. (#1208)
  • Fixed importing using the LinkIt plugin. (#1203)
  • Fixed a bug where some element custom fields would not display when setting up feed mappings. (#1209)

Version 5.0.4

May 24, 2022


  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when importing a base64-encoded asset.
  • Fixed a bug where asset file names were getting normalized before searching for an existing asset when the feed specified a file path. (#847)

Version 5.0.3

May 17, 2022


  • Fixed CSV importing. (#1137)


  • The EVENT_AFTER_PARSE_FEED event now passes in the feed’s ID. (#1107)

Version 5.0.2

May 11, 2022


Version 5.0.1

May 5, 2022


  • Fixed a bug where elements’ per-site statuses weren’t getting set for feeds that specified a status. (#822)
  • Fixed various PHP errors. (#1128, #1130, #1131)

Version 5.0.0

May 3, 2022


  • Added Craft 4 compatibility.


  • The data, elements, feeds, fields, logs, process, and service components can now be configured via craft\services\Plugins::$pluginConfigs.


  • Removed built-in support for the Verbb Comments plugin, which provides its own Feed Me driver.