PDF Transform is a Craft CMS plugin that transforms a PDF stored in Assets, to an image. This can then be output via Twig in to a template.

A use case for this is to show the preview of a PDF before a user downloads that particular file.


  • Transform PDF's to images via Twig (The file needs to be an existing Asset element)
  • PDF's are transformed to an image when PDF's are uploaded via Assets or Asset fields.
  • Transformed PDF images are indexed and available in Assets like all other asset elements.
  • Works with local asset volumes, Amazon S3 and Servd.


Setting Default Description
Page Number 1 Set with page should in the PDF should be converted to an image.
Image Volume null Choose where converted images should be stored.
Image Resolution 72 Set the resolution of the converted image.
Image Format jpg Set the file format of the converted image.
Image Quality 100 Set the image quality of the converted image.


To transform a PDF to an image use the following Twig tag:

{% set pdfToTransform = entry.pdfAsset.one() %}

{% set transformedPdf = craft.pdfTransform.render(pdfToTransform) %}

{{ transformedPdf.one().url }}

The transformed PDF (Now an image stored in Assets) can then be output using {{ transformedPdf.one().url }}. Or get any Asset property e.g. title, id, filename etc.

If the transformed image doesn't exist then the PDF will be transformed via the template. This may cause the template/page to become slow whilst the PDF is transformed.

Be aware that this also may output a large image, so we'd recommend running this through an image transform.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.


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Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4, Craft 5
Last release
May 30, 2024
Activity (30 days)
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