Version 2.8.1

July 3, 2024


  • Fixed a PHP 7 compatibility issue introduced in Retcon 2.8.0, affecting Craft 3 installs using the retconSrcset or retconTransform filters. #69

Version 2.8.0

June 28, 2024


  • Improves support for Imager X named transforms for the retconSrcset filter. #69

Version 2.7.5

November 11, 2023


  • Fixed a PHP exception that could be thrown when using the retconTransform or retconSrcset with Imager (not Imager X) installed

Version 2.7.4

October 19, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the retconSrcset filter could use the wrong height value for the base64 placeholder src attribute

Version 2.7.3

August 1, 2023


  • Fixed a regression introduced in Retcon 2.7.0, where Retcon would return unparsed reference tags from Redactor/CKEditor output, in cases where there were no nodes matching the given selector.

Version 2.7.2

July 30, 2023


  • Fixed a regression introduced in Retcon 2.7.0, where Imager/Imager X would fail to transform external images, if the image URL contained a query string or was missing a file extension

Version 2.7.1

July 23, 2023


  • Fixed a PHP exception that could occur if Retcon operated on markup containing <svg> nodes
  • Fixed an issue where the retconRemoveEmpty filter could remove <svg>, <iframe> and <object> tags


  • Retcon now requires symfony/dom-crawler v. 4.4.0 or later
  • Retcon now requires symfony/css-selector v. 3.4.0 or later
  • Retcon now requires masterminds/html5 v. 2.6.0 or later


July 23, 2023


  • Fixed a regression introduced in 2.7.0, that could remove text content from nodes returned by the retconOnly filter

Version 2.7.0

July 22, 2023


  • Added a new retconDimensions filter, which can be used to set missing width and height attributes for image nodes.
  • Added a new $allowFilenameAsAltText parameter to the retconAutoAlt filter (default true; will be default false in Retcon 3.0).
  • Added RetconTransformedImage model.


  • Improved support for CKEditor.


  • The autoAlt filter now uses the native alt attribute if it has a value (Craft 4 only).
  • When using Imager (X) to transform images, the retconTransform and retconSrcset filters now respect Imager's safeFileFormats configuration setting, i.e. these filters will only attempt to transform jpgs, gifs and pngs out of the box, unless additional formats have been added in Imager's config file.


  • Fixed an issue where the retconRemoveEmpty filter would remove self-closing tags.
  • Fixed an issue where DOMDocument could wrap text nodes in <p> tags.
  • Fixed an issue where the retconUnwrap filter could unwrap root nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where the autoAlt filter was unable to retrieve alt value from the source asset.
  • Fixed an issue where the retconAutoAlt filter could use base64 src placeholders could be used for the alt value.
  • Fixed a PHP exception that would occur if using retconTransform or retconSrcset with Imager X named transforms, if the named transform consisted of multiple transforms. Retcon will now use the first transform whenever Imager returns multiple transforms.
  • Fixed an issue where the retconTransform and retconSrcset filters could upscale images even if Craft's upscaleImages setting was set to false.

Version 2.6.1

February 17, 2023


  • Fixed a PHP exception that would be thrown when using the retconChange filter on empty DOM nodes

Version 2.6.0

October 12, 2022


  • Updated version constraints for the symfony/dom-crawler and symfony/css-selector dependencies, allowing their 6.0 packages

Version 2.5.0

August 23, 2022


  • Fixed a PHP exception that could occur when Retcon was unable to get the dimensions for an image being transformed
  • Fixed a bug where the retconTransform filter would not apply missing width and height attributes to the img tags being transformed


  • The retconSrcset filter now sets img tags width and height attributes, if they are missing in the markup and Retcon is able to read out the dimensions

Version 2.4.3

August 17, 2022


  • The selector, sizes, base64src, className, attributeName, imagerTransformDefaults and imagerConfigOverrides parameters are now nullable for the retconTransform, retconLazy and retconSrcset filters

Version 2.4.2

April 27, 2022


  • Fixes an exception that would be thrown when setting style and class attributes with the retconAttr filter, using values returned by Twig macros

Version 2.4.1

April 19, 2022


  • Reverted a breaking change in 2.4.0 where HTML entities in attribute values created with the retconAttr would be encoded


  • Array values in HTML attributes created with the retconAttr filter are now always JSON-encoded, excepting the class and style attributes, similarly to how the native attr filter works

Version 2.4.0

April 18, 2022


  • Added support for Craft 4.0
  • Added support for Imager X named transforms
  • Added support for passing objects and arrays to the |retconAttr filter, similarly to the native |attr filter


  • Fixed a couple of instances where Retcon could return unescaped HTML


  • Retcon now requires Craft 3.7+

Version 2.3.0

October 22, 2021


  • Update version dependencies for symfony/dom-crawler and symfony/css-selector.


  • Fixed docs (closes #28)

Version 2.2.3

May 5, 2020


  • Fixes an issue where Retcon wouldn't transform images with a jpeg file extension. Thanks @sweetroll 👍

Version 2.2.2

April 27, 2020


  • Fixes an issue where an exception could be thrown if Retcon was unable to read the extension for a transformed image. Thanks @lenvanessen! Fixes #31

Version 2.2.1

July 19, 2020


  • Fixes an issue where the retconOnly filter could throw an exception


  • The retconOnly filter now returns an empty string if there are no nodes matching the selector


  • Retcon now uses caret version range for the DomCrawler and CssSelector components

Version 2.2.0

July 19, 2020


  • Fixes an issue where using the retconAttr filter on <script> tags could result in invalid HTML. Fixes #25
  • Retcon no longer decodes HTML entities, fixing an issue where particular characters could result in mangled content output. Fixes #24

Version 2.1.0

March 8, 2020


  • Adds support for Imager X


  • Fixes an issue where the retconAutoAlt filter would always use the image filename for the alt attribute
  • Fixes an issue where Retcon would throw an exception if the retconLazy filter was used on an <img> tag with an invalid src attribute

Version 2.0.12

November 9, 2018


  • The retconRemoveEmpty will no longer remove <br/> tags, unless the second parameter $removeBr is set to true

Version 2.0.11

October 8, 2018


  • Fixes an issue where the retconOnly filter could throw an exception if the HTML contained tags that weren't well-formed (e.g. img tags that aren't explicitly closed). Thanks a lot @jcdarwin!

Version 2.0.10

August 17, 2018


  • Fixes an issue where Retcon would return escaped HTML if no matching selectors were found

Version 2.0.9

August 16, 2018


  • Fixes an issue where using Retcon on a string with only whitespace could throw an exception

Version 2.0.8

August 13, 2018


  • Various minor issues ironed out (thanks, Scrutinizer)


  • The overwrite parameter for the attr() method can now be set to a string 'prepend', to prepend rather than append values to existing attributes

Version 2.0.7

August 7, 2018


  • Fixes an issue where Retcon could throw an exception if given a NULL value instead of a string (e.g. if a Redactor field had been added to a Field Layout, without re-saving the entries)

Version 2.0.6

August 5, 2018


  • Fixes an issue where Retcon would attempt to use Imager for transforms, even if Imager was not installed or deactivated

Version 2.0.5

July 28, 2018


  • Fixes a bug where the transform method would return an empty string if Retcon would fail to transform an image
  • Fixes various issues related to the project config file (i.e. /config/retcon.php) and plugin settings


  • Improves image path handling for the srcset and transform methods

Version 2.0.4

July 25, 2018


  • Fixes a recently introduced regression error in the "retcon" catch-all method, affecting the "srcset" method and others.

Version 2.0.3

July 21, 2018


  • Retcon no longers attempt to decode quote entities, to fix an issue where serialized data in HTML attributes were getting butchered

Version 2.0.2

July 18, 2018


  • Various minor issues fixed

Version 2.0.1

July 18, 2018


  • Fixes various issues with the retcon catch-all filter
  • Fixes an issue where Retcon would entity encode HTML tags when no nodes matched the given selector for methods such as srcset, transform and others
  • Fixes an issue where Retcon would entity encode non-breaking spaces

Version 2.0.0

July 18, 2018


  • New filter retconRemoveEmpty added, which will remove empty DOM nodes (e.g. <p> tags without text content)


  • Selectors are much, much more flexible (almost all CSS selectors work, which means that Retcon is basically jQuery now!) due to the magic of Symfony's DomCrawler component
  • Full HTML5 support
  • The retconAutoAlt filter will use the Asset's title for the alt attribute, if Retcon is fed markup with Craft CMS reference tags
  • The retconTransform, retconLazy and retconSrcSet filters now take an additional parameter – selector (defaults to 'img')

Version 1.0.1

June 7, 2018


  • Adds support for the limit parameter in the "replace" filter (preg_replace wrapper)

Version 1.0.0-beta1

March 5, 2018


  • Beta release