Version 4.1.18

June 24, 2024


  • Separate out the plugin settings into General, Statistics, and Advanced tabs
  • Added a Set No-Cache Headers setting (defaulting to on) to set no-cache headers on the redirect response to prevent client-side caching (#306)


  • When saving a redirect, Retour no longer deletes redirects that have the redirectDestUrl of the redirect being saved as their redirectSrcUrl (#303)

Version 4.1.17

June 19, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where the down and up arrows were reversed for sorting purposes (#299)
  • Fixed an issue where the "File Not Found URL" link could be wrong when clicked on in some multi-site setups (#290)
  • Fixed an issue where the Short Link wouldn't display properly in the element index view (#301)
  • Fixed an issue where Short Links wouldn't work properly if they were added to Asset elements (#300)
  • Fixed an issue where a "Integrity constraint violation" error could occurr if malformed redirectSrcUrls was introduced into the statistics table (#305)

Version 4.1.16

March 25, 2024


  • Added the unused static to the Tailwind CSS blocklist to avoid a name collision with a Craft CSS class (#1412)
  • Fixed an issue with impropertly text-encoded characters in URLs potentially causing a db exception (#291)
  • Fixed an issue where an empty redirect in the excludePatterns list could cause redirects to stop functioning, add logging when a redirect is excluded (#297)

Version 4.1.15

February 5, 2024


  • Add phpstan and ecs code linting
  • Add code-analysis.yaml GitHub action


  • Switch over to Vite ^5.0.0 & Node ^20.0.0 for the buildchain
  • Updated docs to use node 20 & a new sitemap plugin
  • PHPstan code cleanup
  • ECS code cleanup


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an exception to be thrown if the Preserve Query String setting is on
  • Fixed an issue where the filter controls didn't work properly for Short Links

Version 4.1.14

October 26, 2023


  • Fixes issue where only first line of uploaded CSV is saved in cache in load balanced environment (#286)
  • Strip off a leading / before making a site URL from a path, because otherwise Craft.getUrl() considers it an absolute URL and returns it (#281)

Version 4.1.13

August 15, 2023


  • Add db index for redirectMatchType to help with query performance (#282)


  • Add permission fallback logic to the dashboard for Short Links access


  • Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability with a malformed referrer header

Version 4.1.12

April 7, 2023


  • Enforce full URL matching for short links when used within a multi-site setup and enabling any of the content translation method for the field. (#277)


  • Fixed a bug where short links would not work correctly within Matrix fields. (#279)
  • Fixed a bug where short links would not be cleaned up appropriately when updating a Short Link value on an element. (#277)
  • Fixed a bug where short links would not work correctly with multi-sites. (#277)

Version 4.1.11

March 7, 2023


  • Added the ability to disable statistics recording entirely via enableStatistics in the config.php (#272)


  • Add versioning to the docs


  • Fixed an issue where no events triggered when using exactMatch redirect (#273)
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a revision would also delete all the short links associated with the element (#270)

Version 4.1.10

February 9, 2023


  • Use dynamic docker container name & port for the buildchain
  • Update the buildchain to use Vite ^4.0.0
  • Refactored the docs buildchain to use a dynamic docker container setup


  • Fixed an issue with the rebuild indexes migration (#269)

Version 4.1.9

December 8, 2022


  • Added missing priority column to the retour_static_redirects too, in Install.php migration (#262)

Version 4.1.8

December 7, 2022


  • Added missing priority column to the Install.php migration (#262)

Version 4.1.7

December 5, 2022


  • Added the ability to set a Priority for regex redirects, so you have control over the order in which they execute (#74)


  • Fixed an issue that would cause getStaticRedirect() to return a redirect regardless of whether or not it is enabled (#260)

Version 4.1.6

November 28, 2022


  • Added EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_REDIRECT & EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_REDIRECT events, so you can hook in before & after a redirect is deleted (#259)


  • Updated docs to use VitePress ^1.0.0-alpha.29


  • Fixed an issue with the console command throwing an exception due to an uninitialized typed property (#257)

Version 4.1.5

November 3, 2022


  • Fixed HMR in local dev with explicit alias that resolves to the actual directory
  • Add for entrypoint JavaScript for HMR


  • Fixed an issue where the default value for redirectHttpCode would cause a validation error to be displayed when creating a new static redirect (#255)
  • Fixed an issue where the default value for redirectHttpCode would cause importing a CSV file to fail if no redirectHttpCode was provided in the CSV file (#253)

Version 4.1.4

October 3, 2022


  • Move to using ServicesTrait and add getter methods for services
  • Users must have permission to access Retour to be able to use the Retour widget (#251)


  • Ensure that $driver is nullable in the install migration (#252) (#250)

Version 4.1.3

September 14, 2022


  • Fixed an issue where element types that update their uriFormat directly rather than re-saving the elements will generate automatic element redirects (#248)
  • Updated how Retour's components are registered, to allow for overriding via plugin config (#1989) (#11039)
  • Update the buildchain to use Vite ^3.1.0 for building frontend assets

Version 4.1.2

September 8, 2022


  • Whether a Short Link redirect is created for "All Sites" or on a per-site basis is now determined by the propagation method of the Short Link field
  • Include "Short Link Element ID" in the CSV redirects export
  • Allow for the localization of the exported redirects & statistics column names


  • Fix improperly named field input template (casing) (#247)
  • Editing a Short Link field's redirect in the CP now properly preserves its Short Link status, and redirects to the Short Links page

Version 4.1.1

September 2, 2022


  • Fixed an issue that could cause redirects to not function as expected (#245)

Version 4.1.0

August 30, 2022


  • Added the Short Link field type that allows content authors to add short link redirects in an entry
  • Added translations in the Javascript views that Retour uses, allowing for better localization (#222)
  • If a CSV import has errors, they are displayed on the frontend to make them easier to diagnose (#219)


  • Improved the performance when resolving exact match redirects by doing a database query. (#217)
  • If the Preserve Query String plugin setting is enabled, query strings from the incoming request and the destination URL will be combined (#242)

Version 4.0.2

June 22, 2022


  • Removed the sub resource integrity on the built JavaScript, which could fail if systems were set up that manipulated the incoming JavaScript resources dynamically (#229)

Version 4.0.1

May 31, 2022


  • Fixed a "must not be accessed before initialization" error that could occur using GraphQL (#238)

Version 4.0.0

May 18, 2022


  • Initial release for Craft CMS 4


  • Fixed an issue where the Dashboard didn't property narrow results down to the selected site, due to moreParams being saved in the object state (#236)
  • Fixed an issue where the Redirects didn't property narrow results down to the selected site, due to moreParams being saved in the object state (#235)

Version 4.0.0-beta.4

April 9, 2022


  • No longer trim / from URLs that are presented in the Retour Dashboard (#227)
  • Remove deprecated CraftQL support
  • Remove unneeded feature checks based on Craft 3.x versions


  • Fixed an issue where an exception could be thrown in production due to incompatible types

Version 4.0.0-beta.3

March 18, 2022


  • Fix registering permissions (#224)

Version 4.0.0-beta.2

March 4, 2022


  • Updated types for Craft CMS 4.0.0-alpha.1 via Rector

Version 4.0.0-beta.1

February 7, 2022


  • Initial Craft CMS 4 compatibility