Craft Scout provides a simple solution for adding full-text Algolia search to your entries. Scout will automatically keep your Algolia search indexes in sync with your entries. You can configure as many indices as you want and Scout will handle keeping the Algolia objects up to date.

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This plugin is licensed under a MIT license, which means that it's completely free open source software, and you can use it for whatever and however you wish. If you're using it and want to support the development, buy me a beer over at Beerpay!



The configuration has changed from how Scout v1 did its configuration. Please see the setup section below on how to configure Scout.

The following changes are the most notable:

  • The mappings configuration key has been changed to indices and there is a new way to configure the indices
  • The criteria is now a callable that returns an ElementQuery. Every Index should define a siteId in the criteria, otherwise, the primary site is chosen.
  • New queue and batch options added to the settings
  • Old configuration keys on the mappings have been replaced by functions on the rias\scout\ScoutIndex object.


To define your indices, copy the config/scout.php file to your config folder.


return [
     * Scout listens to numerous Element events to keep them updated in
     * their respective indices. You can disable these and update
     * your indices manually using the commands.
    'sync' => true,

     * By default Scout handles all indexing in a queued job, you can disable
     * this so the indices are updated as soon as the elements are updated
    'queue' => true,

     * The connection timeout (in seconds), increase this only if necessary
    'connect_timeout' => 1,

     * The batch size Scout uses when importing a large amount of elements
    'batch_size' => 1000,

     * The Algolia Application ID, this id can be found in your Algolia Account
     * This id is used to update records.
    'application_id' => '$ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID',

     * The Algolia Admin API key, this key can be found in your Algolia Account
     * This key is used to update records.
    'admin_api_key'  => '$ALGOLIA_ADMIN_API_KEY',

     * The Algolia search API key, this key can be found in your Algolia Account
     * This search key is not used in Scout
     * but can be used through the Scout variable in your template files.
    'search_api_key' => '$ALGOLIA_SEARCH_API_KEY', //optional
     * A collection of indices that Scout should sync to, these can be configured
     * by using the \rias\scout\ScoutIndex::create('IndexName') command. Each
     * index should define an ElementType, criteria and a transformer.
    'indices'       => [],

Example Index Configuration


return [
    'indices'       => [
            // Scout uses this by default, so this is optional
            // If you don't define a siteId, the primary site is used
            ->criteria(function (\craft\elements\db\EntryQuery $query) {
                return $query->section('blog');
             * The element gets passed into the transform function, you can omit this
             * and Scout will use the \rias\scout\ElementTransformer class instead
            ->transformer(function (\craft\elements\Entry $entry) {
                return [
                    'title' => $entry->title,
                    'body' => $entry->body,
             * You can use this to define index settings that get synced when you call
             * the ./craft scout/settings/update console command. This way you can
             * keep your index settings in source control. The IndexSettings
             * object provides autocompletion for all Algolia's settings

->elementType(string $class)

The element type that this index contains, by default Scout uses craft\elements\Entry::class

Craft's default element type classes are:

  • craft\elements\Asset
  • craft\elements\Category
  • craft\elements\Entry
  • craft\elements\GlobalSet
  • craft\elements\MatrixBlock
  • craft\elements\Tag
  • craft\elements\User

->criteria(callable $query)

This function accepts an ElementQuery and should also return an ElementQuery

->criteria(function (ElementQuery $query) {
    return $query->section('blog');

->transformer(callable|string|array|TransformerAbstract $transformer)

The transformer that should be used to define the data that should be sent to Algolia for each element. If you don’t set this, the default transformer will be used, which includes all of the element’s direct attribute values, but no custom field values.

// Can be set to a function
->transformer(function(craft\elements\Entry $entry) {
    return [
        'title' => $entry->title,
        'id' => $entry->id,
        'url' => $entry->url,

// Or a string/array that defines a Transformer class configuration

// Or a Transformer class instance
->transformer(new MyTransformerClassName()),

Your custom transformer class would look something like this:


use craft\elements\Entry;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;

class MyTransformerClassName extends TransformerAbstract
    public function transform(Entry $entry)
        return [
            // ...

->splitElementsOn(array $keys)

For long documents it is advised to divide the element into multiple rows to keep each row within row data size. This can be done using splitElementsOn(). Array items are array indices returned from the transformer.


Important - distinctID (available after indexing) must be set up as an attribute for faceting for the deletion of objects to work when using splitElementsOn.

Twig variables

You can access the Algolia settings set in your config file through the following Twig variables.

{{ craft.scout.pluginName }}
{{ craft.scout.algoliaApplicationId }}
{{ craft.scout.algoliaAdminApiKey }}
{{ craft.scout.algoliaSearchApiKey }}

Console commands

Scout provides two easy console commands for managing your indices.


To import one or all indices you can run the following console command

./craft scout/index/import <indexName?>

The indexName argument is not required, all your mappings will be imported when you omit it.


Clearing an index is as easy as running a command in your console.

./craft scout/index/flush <indexName?>

As with the import command, indexName is not required.

When flushing, Scout will ask you to confirm that you really want to clear all the data in your index. You can bypass the confirmation by appending a --force flag.


Does a flush/clear first and then imports the index again.

./craft scout/index/refresh <indexName?>

Skipping an Element

You can omit an element from being indexed by returning an empty array from the transform method:

    ->transform(function (Entry $entry) {
        // Check if entry is valid for indexing
        $isValid = yourCustomValidation($entry);
        // If entry fails validation, return empty array
        if (! $isValid) {
            return [];
        // Return normal data attributes
        return [
            'name' => $entry->title,
            'lorem' => $entry->lorem,
            'ipsum' => $entry->ipsum,

Brought to you by Rias

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

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Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4, Craft 5
Last release
December 2, 2024
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