Version 5.1.1

July 19, 2024


  • Renamed the Regenerate Sitemaps Automatically setting to Invalidate Sitemap Caches Automatically for clarity


  • Fixed an issue where getting the sitemaps via GraphQL and meta container endpoint only retrieved the first page since the switch to paginated sitemaps (#1492)
  • Fixed an issue where saving an entry could be slow, because SEOmatic was pointlessly trying to regenerate the sitemap cache (which is no longer a thing with paginated sitemaps) (#1494)

Version 5.1.0

July 12, 2024


  • Remove queue generated sitemaps, switch to paginated sitemaps to allow them to be rendered at web response time, but still be managable in size

Version 5.0.4

May 13, 2024


  • Added a setting in Plugin Settings -> Tags to specify which site should be used as the x-default for hreflang tags (1162)


  • Moved where paginated hreflang tags are added for paginated pages, so that they can be overriden via Twig templating code. They are now added inside of seomatic.helper.paginate()


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an exception to be thrown if the selected asset for the Creator or Identity brand image was deleted (#1472)
  • Fixed an issue where the SEO preview for SEO Settings fields and the sidebar wouldn't be displayed correctly for drafts (#1449)

Version 5.0.3

May 20, 2024


  • Changed the location of the site selection menu to match Craft styling (#1467)


  • Fixed an issue where the down and up arrows were reversed for sorting purposes
  • Fixed an issue where nested Matrix entries that have URLs would throw an exception (#1456)

Version 5.0.2

April 10, 2024


  • Ensure that getTransformByHandle() is passed a string

Version 5.0.1

April 10, 2024


  • Fix regression of getAssetTransforms() -> getImageTransforms()

Version 5.0.0

April 10, 2024


  • Stable release for Craft 5
  • Added the ability to choose the Asset Transform to apply to images in the sitemap (#1407)


  • Fixed a regression in extractTextFromField that could cause it to not render properly by being more explicit, looking only for arrays or Collections in isArrayLike() (#1441)
  • Fixed an issue where the typeId coming in from editing the Content SEO settings was a string, when it needed to be cast to an integer (#1442) (#1368)
  • Fixed an issue where the Copy Settings From menu didn't work correctly for multiple entry types (#1368)

Version 5.0.0-beta.8

March 22, 2024



  • Convert MatrixBlock -> Entry and MatrixBlockQuery -> EntryQuery
  • Addressed an issue where if SEOmatic was set to extract text or keywords from a relation field that was eager loaded, it would extract the serialized value of the field instead of the actual text (#1415)

Version 5.0.0-beta.7

March 14, 2024


  • Fixed a regression that would throw an exception when attempting to save the security.txt template (#1435)

Version 5.0.0-beta.6

March 8, 2024


  • Add PerplexityBot to the default disallow list in robots.txt, as there's no benefit to allowing it to index your site
  • Allow locales to be in the format language[_territory] such that the territory is optional
  • Ensure that security.txt templates always end with a new line (#1429)


  • Fixed an issue where a trailing slash would be added to a paginated URL that uses URL parameters and addTrailingSlashesToUrls was true in the General config (#1401)
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the SEOmatic CP nav item would result in a 403 exception if the current user didn't have permission to view the SEOmatic dashboard (#1410)
  • Fixed an issue where an exception could be thrown when generating a sitemap with assets, and the field mapping was empty (#1425)
  • Fixed an issue where the @id in the mainEntityOfPage JSON-LD wouldn't be correct if the identity and creator were not the same (#1431)

Version 5.0.0-beta.5

February 20, 2024


  • Added the ability to generate a News Sitemap for any Section
  • Added an SEOmatic Debug Toolbar Panel setting to Plugin Settings → Advanced that lets you control whether the SEOmatic Debug Toolbar panel is added to the Yii2 Debug Toolbar (if it is enabled)
  • Updated to v26.0, fixes (#1420)


  • Completely revamped the documentation to hopefully make it more accessible & useful (thanks to Matt Stein @ Adjacent)
  • PHPstan code cleanup


  • Fixed an issue that would cause assets in Neo blocks to not appear as images in the sitemap
  • Fixed an issue that would cause assets in SuperTable blocks to not appear as images in the sitemap
  • Fixed an issue with missing classes in Sitemap helper
  • Fixed an issue that would cause text in Neo blocks to not get extracted

Version 5.0.0-beta.4

February 13, 2024


  • Fixed a regression where the robots tag would be set to none for CP requests, which is incorrect, because GraphQL and meta container endpoints are CP requests (#1414)

Version 5.0.0-beta.3

February 9, 2024


  • Add phpstan and ecs code linting
  • Add code-analysis.yaml GitHub action
  • Added a custom Field icon


  • getContentColumnType() -> dbType(), add phpType() in the Field classes
  • PHPstan code cleanup
  • ECS code cleanup


  • Fixed an issue where DynamicMeta didn't properly take into account that robots can be a comma delimited list of values now (#1399)
  • Fixed an issue where a robots setting of none or noindex in the Content SEO settings make it impossible to override the robots setting in an SEO Settings field (#1399)
  • Added the unused static to the Tailwind CSS blocklist to avoid a name collision with a Craft CSS class (#1412)
  • Added webp and gif as allowed social media image formats now that the social media sites accept them, and guard against no transform existing (#1411)
  • Fixed an issue with the Sites menu styling

Version 5.0.0-beta.2

January 23, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where matrix blocks in an entry would throw an error when saving, because they have no section (#1406)

Version 5.0.0-beta.1

January 22, 2024


  • Initial beta release for Craft CMS 5