Version 4.0.1

June 18, 2024


  • Disable FK checks when migrating Matrix block data. (thanks @brandonkelly).

Version 4.0.0

May 20, 2024

Super Table has now reached its end-of-life. Read more in the announcement.


  • Add super-table/migrate console command to convert Super Table fields to Matrix fields.


  • Now requires PHP 8.2.0+.
  • Now requires Craft 5.0.0+.

Version 3.0.12

October 5, 2023


  • Fix an error rendering fields.

Version 3.0.11

October 5, 2023


  • Fix an error with static fields not having their blocks created for new elements.

Version 3.0.10

October 3, 2023


  • Add uid handling for blocks when converting from serialized blocks.
  • Add content table index fixer console command.
  • Add events to input JS.


  • Fix the height of collapsed matrix-style rows. (thanks @evanwarner).
  • Fix collapsed block preview text to handle Dropdown fields.
  • Fix a bug where blocks that were initially created for a newly-added site within a draft could be lost when applying the draft.
  • Fix minor styling issue with field settings.
  • Fix a bug where Super Table fields with custom propagation methods were being marked as translatable if the rendered translation key was blank.
  • Fix a bug where it wasn’t possible to update a Super Table block on a revision without a new block ID being assigned.
  • Fix an error that could occur if null was passed to SuperTableBlockElement::setOwner().
  • Fix field not using setInitialDeltaValue() for static fields. (thanks @internetztube).

Version 3.0.9

May 24, 2023


  • Add normalizeValueFromRequest() calls to sub-fields. (thanks @brandonkelly).


  • Maintain ownerId from getLocalized(). (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Hide row settings if the Super Table field is static. (thanks @ttempleton).


  • Fix a couple Matrix/ST/Neo propagation + shared custody bugs. (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Fix static block with Min Rows set to 1 shows an error when all fields are empty. (thanks @ttempleton).


February 28, 2023


  • Fix an error with JSON output introduced in 3.0.8.

Version 3.0.8

February 28, 2023


  • Add support for Fix Fks plugin. (thanks @olivierbon).


  • Only admins are now allowed to access plugin settings.


  • Fixed a bug where Super Table field property type was incorrect.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving an element with an eager-loaded Super Table field.
  • Fixed a bug where Super Table blocks weren’t getting duplicated to other sites when first editing an unpublished draft.
  • Fix custom field comparison checks for content table checker.

Version 3.0.7

December 10, 2022


  • Fix return type for getRelatedElementsQuery.

Version 3.0.6

December 6, 2022


  • Fix a migration error for Postgres. (thanks @ul8).

Version 3.0.5

November 1, 2022


  • Fix an error introduced in 3.0.4 when saving owner elements.

Version 3.0.4

November 1, 2022


  • Block queries’ field params now support passing an array of verbb\supertable\fields\SuperTableField objects.


  • Fix a bug where saving a field without any block types would result in no changes made to the previously-configured block types, rather than displaying a validation error.
  • Fix a bug where blocks could be deleted from newly-created multi-site entries, if the edit page was reloaded.
  • Fix collapsed matrix-style fields no longer have preview text.
  • Fix a Craft 3 to 4 migration issue.

Version 3.0.3

October 18, 2022


  • Fix collapsed matrix-style fields no longer have preview text. (thanks @stevecomrie).

Version 3.0.2

October 9, 2022


  • Fix Matrix > Super Table > Matrix field settings not saving correctly, due to lack of project config change detection.
  • Fixed a SQL error that could occur on MySQL 5.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving fields with either Min Rows or Max Rows configured, but not both, if the Intl extension wasn’t installed.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving an entry with Super Table blocks, if the entry had been deleted for a site. (thanks @brandonkelly).

Version 3.0.1

September 14, 2022


  • Fix an error running resave console commands.
  • Fixed a bug where block types’ layout elements were getting new UUIDs assigned each time the field was edited.

Version 3.0.0

July 27, 2022


  • Add missing English Translations.
  • Add resave console command for elements.
  • Add checks for registering events for performance.
  • Add archiveTableIfExists() to install migration.


  • Now requires PHP ^8.0.2.
  • Now requires Craft ^4.0.0.
  • Super Table database tables and content is now permanently deleted when uninstalling the plugin.
  • Rename model classes.
  • Rename record classes.
  • Rename service classes.
  • Rename base plugin methods.


  • Fixed a bug where fields were assuming their values hadn’t been eager-loaded on element save.
  • Fixed block ordering issues, and ensure sort order is updated when block ownership is duplicated. (thanks @mmikkel).
  • Fixed a bug where changes to existing blocks weren’t saving for element types that supported drafts but not change tracking.
  • Fix Matrix > Super Table fields not saving new fields when editing the field
  • Fix move/delete button sizing for table layout.
  • Fix a JS error when viewing a static field, in Matrix layout.
  • Fix JS not initialising when selecting new fields in settings (footHtml to bodyHtml).
  • Fix an error when running the “check content tables” helper.
  • Fix an error with new static fields not having any field content output in the control panel.
  • Fix an error where return type of prepareQuery was incorrect. (thanks @davidwebca).
  • Fix potential error in migration.


  • Remove deprecated Craft and Super Table functions.

Version 2.7.5

March 28, 2023


  • Add support for Fix Fks plugin. (thanks @olivierbon).


  • Fixed a bug where Super Table field property type was incorrect.

Version 2.7.4

December 25, 2022


  • Block queries’ field params now support passing an array of verbb\supertable\fields\SuperTableField objects.


  • Fix translation file.
  • Fix a bug where saving a field without any block types would result in no changes made to the previously-configured block types, rather than displaying a validation error.
  • Fix a bug where blocks could be deleted from newly-created multi-site entries, if the edit page was reloaded.
  • Fix collapsed matrix-style fields no longer have preview text.

Version 2.7.3

September 14, 2022


  • Fix elements overflowing grid column bounds in Row Layout. (thanks @bencarr).


  • Remove “Column Width” for fields in Matrix layout.

Version 2.7.2

May 15, 2022


  • Fix an incompatibility with Craft 3.7.11 or less.
  • Fix checking against a derivative block.
  • Fix in some cases not fetching the correct supported sites for a block.
  • Fix GraphQL mutations. Blocks now require type_blockTypeId. (see

Version 2.7.1

December 31, 2021


  • Fixed a bug where fields weren’t getting reverted properly when reverting an entry’s content to a prior revision, if they were nested within a Neo or Matrix field.
  • Fixed a bug where blocks within drafts could lose track of their canonical blocks when they were updated upstream, resulting in duplicated blocks.
  • Fixed an error with GQL mutations.
  • Find and fix tables with missing indexes. (thanks @gbowne-quickbase).
  • Fixed field instructions showing raw HTML. (thanks @mmikkel).

Version 2.7.0

November 30, 2021


  • Add SuperTable Block Type to superTableMatrix, superTableRow, tr.
  • Craft 3.7+ compatibility.
  • Blocks now have an id field to allow modifying existing Super Table blocks when using mutations with the GraphQL API.
  • Allow for widths in Matrix styled Super Tables.


  • Now requires Craft 3.7+.
  • Update GraphQL classes to Craft 3.7+.
  • Show .heading-text of nested SuperTables in SuperTableMatrix. And there is no element with .heading-text in SuperTableMatrix related templates.


  • Fix a potential XSS vulnerability.
  • Fix elements overflowing grid column bounds in Row Layout.
  • Fix change status indicator alignment for blocks.
  • Fix a missing class include.
  • Fix new static-field row blocks not getting the static-field class.
  • Fix missing css class to fields container of Matrix styled SuperTable.

Version 2.6.8

May 19, 2021


  • Fix delete row behaviour when an outer static Super Table field, Matrix and inner Super Table field.
  • Fix inconsistent project config warnings when using the content table fixer.
  • Fix for draft change merging bug. (thanks @brandonkelly).

Version 2.6.7

February 6, 2021


  • Fix an issue with Gatsby Helper plugin and Super Table blocks.

Version 2.6.6

January 27, 2021


  • Fix being unable to directly access the first block in a Super Table field, which would otherwise return null. Please see this issue in that if you're getting this error, you're likely using incorrect/unsupported template syntax. Using entry.superTableField.myField as a means for direct-access is reserved for static fields.

Version 2.6.5

December 16, 2020


  • Fix an Undefined property fatal error when saving an element containing a Super Table field, on Craft 3.5.17.

Version 2.6.4

November 28, 2020


  • Sub-fields of Super Table fields now have “Use this field’s values as search keywords” unchecked for new fields. This is inline with Craft's native Matrix behaviour.


  • Fix block type model getHandle() returning values included a hyphen, causing issues with GraphQL.
  • Fix typehint for getRelatedElementsQuery().

Version 2.6.3

September 28, 2020


  • Fix InvalidArgumentException not found error. (thanks @smcyr).
  • Fix static matrix layout visual issue.

Version 2.6.2

August 21, 2020


  • Fix duplicate instructions for blocks in Craft 3.5+.
  • Fix checkbox styling in Craft 3.5+.

Version 2.6.1

August 13, 2020


  • Fix content table checking to cater for potentially problematic fields.


August 11, 2020


  • Fix layout issue with row layout fields, where any overflow was hidden.


August 10, 2020


  • Fix error when rebuilding project config.


August 10, 2020


  • Fix potential error during migration from Craft 2.


August 10, 2020


  • Fix GQL error.
  • Fix errors with block query.

Version 2.6.0

August 10, 2020


  • Add Craft 3.5+ compatibility.
  • Now requires Craft 3.5+.

Version 2.5.4

July 30, 2020


  • Fix an error when translating the description if the propagation method is set to PROPAGATION_METHOD_LANGUAGE. (thanks @andersaloof).
  • Fix JS error when adding new blocks.

Version 2.5.3

July 28, 2020


  • Refactor nested Matrix handling. Removed bespoke Matrix code, thanks to core Craft changes. Addresses a few upcoming changes in Craft 3.5+ (but backward-compatible).
  • Now requires Craft 3.4.30+.

Version 2.5.2

July 28, 2020


  • Fix Super Table field inside Matrix blocks not getting their content propagated. (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Fix error when removing a row for Table layout.
  • Fix blocks not updating when nested in Matrix fields.
  • Fix row layout overflow in some field cases.
  • Improve handling of re-save field utility to handle parent Matrix fields.

Version 2.5.1

May 31, 2020


  • Requires Craft 3.4.23+.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when rendering field type settings, if the field’s getSettingsHtml() method was expecting to be called from a Twig template.
  • Fixed a race condition that could result in lost content under very specific conditions. (#6154)

Version 2.5.0

May 30, 2020


  • Requires Craft 3.4.22+.
  • Field settings are now lazy-loaded when the Field Type selection changes, improving the up-front load time of Edit Field pages.

Version 2.4.9

April 16, 2020


  • Fix logging error Call to undefined method setFileLogging().

Version 2.4.8

April 15, 2020


  • File logging now checks if the overall Craft app uses file logging.
  • Log files now only include GET and POST additional variables.


  • Fix Table field (and some other fields) not working correctly for Super Table field settings.

Version 2.4.7

April 2, 2020


  • Refactor row layout with CSS Grid (no style change).


  • Additional checks for Webhooks compatibility. (thanks @johndwells).
  • Fix nested Matrix not focusing on Redactor fields.
  • Fix migration check for missing fieldLayoutId on blocktypes.
  • Fix content table fixer where the content database table doesn’t exist at all.
  • Fix lack of line-breaking for table layout column headings.
  • Fix row layout overflowing the page content in some cases.

Version 2.4.6

February 28, 2020


  • Fix PHP error.
  • Fix number field alignment.

Version 2.4.5

February 24, 2020


  • Move getRelatedElements() to Service. (thanks @joshua-martin).
  • Now requires Craft ^3.4.8.


  • Fixed a bug where querying for blocks on a newly-created element’s Super Table field value would yield no results..


  • Deprecated verbb\supertable\queue\jobs\ApplySuperTablePropagationMethod.

Version 2.4.4

February 3, 2020


  • Fix being unable to save Matrix-SuperTable-Matrix fields.

Version 2.4.3

February 2, 2020


  • Fix issue with static blocks not appearing correctly.

Version 2.4.2

January 31, 2020


  • Fix more Craft 3.4 issues.
  • Fixed a bug where fields weren’t always showing validation errors.
  • Fixed a bug where unsaved blocks could be lost if an entry was saved with validation errors, and any unsaved blocks weren’t modified before reattempting to save the entry.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to eager-load blocks on a draft.

Version 2.4.1

January 30, 2020


  • Fix Craft 3.4 issues.

Version 2.4.0

January 29, 2020


  • Craft 3.4 compatibility.

Version 2.3.3

January 19, 2020


  • Fix webhooks incompatibility.
  • Remove SuperTableBlockNotFoundException class.

Version 2.3.2

January 9, 2020


  • Added verbb\supertable\queue\jobs\ApplySuperTablePropagationMethod.
  • Added verbb\supertable\services\SuperTableService::getSupportedSiteIds().


  • When a Super Table field’s Propagation Method setting changes, the field’s blocks are now duplicated into any sites where their content would have otherwise been deleted.


  • Deprecated verbb\supertable\services\SuperTableService::getSupportedSiteIdsForField(). getSupportedSiteIds() should be used instead.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when syncing the project config, that could occur if a Super Table block had been changed to something else.
  • Fixed a bug where importing project config changes would break if they contained a changed global set and orphaned Super Table block types.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving a Super Table field.

Version 2.3.1

November 27, 2019


  • Fix matrix layout in some instances.
  • Ensure search keywords is checked by default.
  • Fix being unable to query ST fields directly.
  • Fix up GraphQL.
  • Fix width settings not saving correctly for project config.
  • Fix template mode for checker/fixers, producing 404 errors on direct-access.

Version 2.3.0

September 11, 2019


  • Add GraphQL support.
  • Add data loss warnings for Propagation Method settings.


  • Now requires Craft ^


  • Fixed bug where disabled Matrix blocks would be missing from Super Table inputs, then deleted. (#288)
  • Add back site FK checks in migration.
  • Fix where it wasn’t possible to delete blocks if Min and Max rows were set to the same value, and an element already had more than that many blocks.
  • Block queries no longer include blocks owned by drafts or revisions by default.
  • Fix blocks not getting duplicated to newly-enabled sites for elements if the field’s Propagation Method setting wasn’t set to “Save blocks to all sites the owner element is saved in”.
  • Fix where default field values weren’t being applied to blocks that were autocreated per the Min Row setting.
  • Fix not allowing block fields to be saved when set to “Translate for each site”.

Version 2.2.1

July 14, 2019


  • Fix layout for static matrix field.
  • Fix incorrect SuperTableBlock references causing elements not to save correctly.

Version 2.2.0

July 14, 2019


  • Add support for craft\base\BlockElementInterface.
  • Add support for setting the content of a Super Table field to be searchable.
  • Add verbb\supertable\services\SuperTableService::getSupportedSiteIdsForField().


  • Super Table now requires Craft 3.2+.
  • Super Table fields now have a “Propagation Method” setting, enabling blocks to only be propagated to other sites in the same site group, or with the same language.
  • verbb\supertable\services\SuperTableService::saveField() now has a $checkOtherSites argument.
  • Improve block duplication.
  • Improve element saving performance.


  • Fix search index updating when upgrading to Craft 3.2+.


  • Deprecated the ownerSite and ownerSiteId block query params.
  • Deprecated verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement::$ownerSiteId.

Version 2.1.21

July 14, 2019


  • Fix C2 > C3 migration for foreign keys not setup correctly for sites/locales.
  • Fix error thrown when no type property in field project config.

Version 2.1.20

May 21, 2019


  • Fix content table checker/fix incorrectly finding issues with Matrix nested Super Table fields in project config.
  • Reset the ST field value after saving new owner. (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Don't call limit() or anyStatus() when displaying Matrix sub-fields. (thanks @brandonkelly).

Version 2.1.19

May 11, 2019


  • Fix project config rebuild event creating incorrect config.
  • Improve content table checker to show field id for manual fixing.

Version 2.1.18

April 24, 2019


  • Fix nested Matrix fields in Matrix layout not being properly instantiated.

Version 2.1.17

April 8, 2019


  • Added support for the Project Config rebuild functionality.


  • Now requires Craft 3.1.20+.


  • Fixed a bug where entry drafts weren’t showing previous changes to Super Table fields on the draft.

Version 2.1.16

March 9, 2019


  • Fix layout issue in 3.1.16.
  • Fix fields nested in Matrix fields still being on fields for project config.

Version 2.1.15

March 1, 2019


  • Fix project config changes when not allowed or already applied

Version 2.1.14

March 1, 2019


  • Add re-save function for Super Table fields.


March 1, 2019


  • More migration fixes.


February 27, 2019


  • Fix potential migration issue.


February 27, 2019


  • Fix/improve project config migration.


February 27, 2019


  • Fix potential migration issue from 2.1.13 where some fields have no settings.

Version 2.1.13

February 27, 2019


  • Added project config migration to help seed project config for Super Tables when migrating from Craft 3 and lower.

Version 2.1.12

February 25, 2019


  • Fix content tables updating (and potentially removing data) when fields are missing in Craft.
  • Added maxPowerCaptain() to actionFixContentTables, allow fixing table contents to take a while.

Version 2.1.11

February 22, 2019


  • Add more checks when fixing missing field columns during migration.
  • Fix project inconsistency migration check.

Version 2.1.10

February 22, 2019


  • Add fix/checks for project config mismatches from Craft 3 > 3.1.

Version 2.1.9

February 21, 2019


  • Use the new ProjectConfig::defer() from Craft to help with Matrix combinations and Project Config. (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Add checks/fixes for content tables with incorrect field columns.
  • Add checker/fixer to plugin settings.


  • Super Table now requires Craft 3.1.13 or later.


  • Fix issues with Project Config and Matrix.

Version 2.1.8

February 18, 2019


  • Provide a fix for Matrix + Super Table project config issues.
  • Fix overflow for inner fields.

Version 2.1.7

February 10, 2019


  • Fix migration issue with Matrix-nested content tables when upgrading from Craft 2 > 3.
  • Min rows description typo. (thanks @alexjcollins).
  • Fix sprout import incompatibility.

Version 2.1.6

January 31, 2019


  • Added two events to let other js know when nested Matrix blocks are added. (thanks @joshangell).


  • Improve checks around missing content tables during migration.
  • Fix migration causing missing fields to be saved as a missing field.


January 22, 2019


  • Fix existing table-checking in content table check


January 22, 2019


  • Fix table cleanup in migration when correct table already exists


January 22, 2019


  • Update migration checks when updating from older version of Super Table.
  • Check content tables clarity when all done/all okay.

Version 2.1.5

January 22, 2019


  • Fix migration having to run twice to complete required steps in some cases.
  • Added controller action actions/super-table/plugin/fix-content-tables to aid in debugging content table issues.
  • Added controller action actions/super-table/plugin/check-content-tables to aid in debugging content table issues.
  • Add a bunch of debugging to assist with content table migrations.


January 22, 2019


  • Fix more migration issues...


January 22, 2019


  • Remove old content table migration potentially causing issues.


January 21, 2019


  • Fix content table migration to cater for Neo.
  • Fix inclusion of _cleanUpTable() in migration (not needed).


January 20, 2019


  • Fix migration issue in 2.1.4.

Version 2.1.4

January 20, 2019


  • Fix any disconnected content tables for any Super Table field.

Version 2.1.3

January 19, 2019


  • Prevent content field exception during migrations.

Version 2.1.2

January 19, 2019


  • Ditch (incorrect) project config migration.

Version 2.1.1

January 19, 2019


  • Added support for Craft 3.1 soft deletes.
  • Added support for Craft 3.1 project config.


  • Clarify width field setting label for new fields.
  • Tweak/improve minor field setting translations.


  • Fixed a bug where a Super Table fields’ block types and content table could be deleted even if something set $isValid to false on the beforeDelete event.
  • Fixed issue with Matrix + Super Table field combinations losing their fields, or content tables (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Fixed dragging issues with nested Matrix field when using Matrix Layout.

Version 2.1.0

January 16, 2019


  • Fix for ST + Matrix field combination throwing errors during migration for Craft 3.1.x.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when duplicating an element with a Super Table field with “Manage blocks on a per-site basis” disabled.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when querying for Super Table blocks if both the with and indexBy parameters were set.
  • Fixed a bug where Super Table blocks wouldn’t retain their content translations when an entry was duplicated from the Edit Entry page.
  • Fix settings dropdown/table fields not working on some cases.
  • Remove plugin settings page (It's not supposed to be there).

Version 2.0.14

November 12, 2018


  • Fix CP section turning up.

Version 2.0.13

November 11, 2018


  • Fix lack of styles when editing an entry version.

Version 2.0.12

November 10, 2018


  • Update styles to be inline with Craft 3.
  • Use duplicateElement() to clone Super Table blocks after making them localized.


  • Fix error when viewing previous versions of elements that contained a Super Table field.

Version 2.0.11

October 24, 2018


  • Fixed Dashboard error (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Fix error when throwing an error for field handles (ironic hey?).
  • Drop indexes before renaming instead of after. Otherwise this causes errors on mariadb. (thanks @born05).

Version 2.0.10

September 26, 2018


  • Allow block element methods being called on static super tables.
  • Ensure setups with min/max limits can still reorder items.
  • Fix JS error when editing a Super Table field, but only when validation has failed..

Version 2.0.9

September 5, 2018


  • Updated min Craft version to 3.0.17.


  • Fixed a SQL error that occurred when saving a Super Table field with new sub-fields on PostgreSQL (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Fixed Twig error in Craft 3.0.23 (thanks @brandonkelly).
  • Fixed a typo: 'colapse' > 'collapse' (thanks @joshangell).

Version 2.0.8

August 18, 2018


  • Add translation icon to fields that are set to be translatable.
  • Restore column with functionality for table layouts.
  • Allow fields to be translated for each site group.
  • Added support for optional ownerSite parameter in $params for getRelatedElements() to allow for querying relations stored in Super Table fields in entries in a different site to the current site. (thanks @steverowling).
  • Sprout import support (thanks @timkelty).


  • Refactor static table querying into actual query class. Fixed lots of cases related to static layouts.
  • Namespace alternate JS inner-matrix functions, just in case.
  • Improve validation on owner elements.
  • Remove default limits of queries.
  • Ensure field options are sorted by name.
  • Make use of anyStatus() query function.
  • Allow Field objects to be passed into SuperTableField::setBlockTypes (thanks @pinfirestudios)


  • Fixed nested Super Table (in Matrix) fields Support for Schematic
  • Fixed an error when saving an entry from the front-end with a static Super Table field was attached to an entry.
  • Fixed dropdowns, etc not having their default values set on-load when setting a minimum row.
  • Fix Matrix layout fields not saving correctly when set to static
  • Fix when removing a row in an inner table field would collapse the entire Super Table field if set to Table layout and static.
  • Fix modal form overrides on inner-Matrix field, causing all sorts of errors
  • Fix Matrix > SuperTable > Matrix validation not firing correctly.
  • Don't override siteId when deleting a Super Table block.
  • Fix issue when viewing an entry revision where a field may have been deleted.
  • Fix Eager Loading (thanks @mostlyserious).
  • Fixes for schematic integration with a supertable nested in a matrix field (thanks @bvangennep).

Version 2.0.7

May 8, 2018



  • Fix nested Super Table (in Matrix) fields needing each field handle to be unique

Version 2.0.6

April 25, 2018


  • Added Matrix Layout option (thanks @Rias500)
  • Added back support for getRelatedElements()


  • Now sets $propagating to true when saving blocks, if the owner element is propagating.


  • Fixed a bug where relational fields within Super Table fields wouldn’t save relations to elements that didn’t exist on all of the sites the owner element existed on. (#2683)
  • Fix query issue when requesting from console (for static fields)
  • Fixed validation-handling when used in a Matrix field. Would allow saving invalid field handles in this context.

Version 2.0.5

April 5, 2018


  • Updates to be inline with Craft 3.0.0 GA, now minimum requirement
  • Improve field validation
  • Fix post location path for inner fields
  • Fix some minor layout issues with Matrix combinations
  • Fix row layout (and a few other things) not using site as the translation key
  • Fix table fields rows now being able to be deleted
  • Fix Row layout not respecting minRows value
  • Field instructions should parse markdown
  • Fix namespacing for nested Matrix fields
  • Fix errors caused by SuperTableBlockElement.eagerLoadingMap()

Version 2.0.4

February 21, 2018


  • Minimum requirement for Super Table is now ^3.0.0-RC10


  • Make use of FieldLayoutBehavior::getFields() and setFields()
  • No longer executes two queries per block type when preparing a Super Table block query.


  • Fixed an issue caused when upgrading a multi-locale site from Craft 2 to Craft 3.
  • Fixed typo in Super Table's field context column
  • Fixed blocks not appearing during Live Preview

Version 2.0.3

February 12, 2018


  • Ensure field names are required
  • Fix missing field validation
  • Fix plugin icon in some circumstances

Version 2.0.2

February 11, 2018


  • Added migration to handle converting existing field and element types to new namespaced format
  • Add some field properties for backward-compatibility with Craft 2 upgrades


  • Fix missing sortOrder column in install migration

Version 2.0.1

February 11, 2018


  • Fix migration to not rely on service class. Fixes #122
  • Fix for leftover sortOrder for Block Types. Fixes #123

Version 2.0.0

February 10, 2018


  • Craft 3 initial release.

Version 1.0.6

October 17, 2017


  • Verbb marketing (new plugin icon, readme, etc).


  • Improved Feed Me inside Matrix support.

Version 1.0.5

June 22, 2017


  • Feed Me 2.0.6 support.
  • Minor migration fix for pre 0.4.0.

Version 1.0.4

March 25, 2017


  • Added Minimum Rows field setting.


  • type is now a reserved field handle.
  • Blocks are now deleted when an owner is deleted (think deleting an entry also deletes blocks for that entry). Otherwise, end up with orphaned blocks.

Version 1.0.3

February 27, 2017



  • Support for Craft 2.6.2951.


  • Fix Row Layout and limit rows issue. Wait for removal contract function to fire before updating the canAddMoreRows() function. Otherwise, button stays disabled when blocks can still be added.
  • Fix for selected fieldtype JS not firing on select in settings.
  • Fix lack of translation for field titles and instructions.

Version 1.0.2

November 2, 2016


  • Minor layout fixes for Matrix-ST-Matrix, in particular when a lot of blocks are present.

Version 1.0.1

August 29, 2016


  • Minor layout fix for Matrix-ST-Matrix in Safari.

Version 1.0.0

August 29, 2016


  • Brand new (yet awfully familiar!) settings layout for Super Table. Provides much more flexibility, future growth and performance improvements.
  • No more modal for editing field settings - now inline and Matrix-style.
  • Added instructions field to Super Table. Appears as small info button on table headers.
  • Allow fields to be translatable.
  • Revert Row Layout table-layout: fixed behaviour. Row Layout labels will now fit to the longest label without word-breaking.
  • Improved Linkit styling inside Super Table.
  • Cleanup and organise css.
  • Added sliding animation when adding/deleting blocks (thanks @benjamminf!)


  • Fixed performance issues with modal field settings (the modal no longer exists).
  • Fixed field settings validation not firing and providing feedback.
  • Fixed field validation when inside Matrix.
  • Fixed field validation when outside Matrix.
  • Fixed some issues with an inner Matrix field.
  • Update prepForFeedMeFieldType to handle static field option
  • Field names are now compulsary.

Version 0.4.8

July 15, 2016


  • Fixed minor issue where width column settings weren't being saved correctly.

Version 0.4.7

July 9, 2016


  • Added support for eager loading.
  • Added blocks() template tag for Super Table block elements.


  • Column layout width now allows either px or % values. Defaults to % if unit-less.


  • Fix for certain fields not settings content properly from draft.
  • Fixed column layout not applying width correctly.

Version 0.4.6

March 16, 2016


  • Adding a new locale when using with a Craft Commerce product type results in a stuck background task #58.
  • Fix Table layout overflow issues with Matrix-in-SuperTable #59


  • Improvements to Feed Me support.

Version 0.4.5

February 29, 2016


  • Correct plugin version number (oops!).

Version 0.4.4

February 28, 2016


  • Fixed issue with rows not displaying correctly for Static Field option.

Version 0.4.3

February 28, 2016


  • Fixed issue with JS not firing correctly in field settings - caused some field types to not allow editing of settings.
  • Fixed issue where blocks were being overwritten when entries are saved as drafts.


  • You now have direct access to fields when using the Static Field option. No more looping or using superTableField[0].fieldHandle.

Version 0.4.2

January 13, 2016


  • Fixed issue with plugin release feed url.
  • Fixes for PHP 5.3 compatibility.

Version 0.4.1

December 1, 2015


  • Some files not correctly updated (for some strange reason).

Version 0.4.0

December 1, 2015


  • Craft 2.5 support, including release feed and icons.
  • Support for Feed Me.
  • Support for Export.


  • Labels in Row Layout are now top-aligned.

Version 0.3.8

November 30, 2015
  • Ensure Craft 2.3.2615 is minimum required version.

Version 0.3.7

November 30, 2015

Version 0.3.6

November 30, 2015
  • Fix for validation when inside a Matrix field.

Version 0.3.5

November 30, 2015
  • Change to content table naming when inside Matrix field. When two Super Table fields in different Matrix fields had the same handle, when one ST field was deleted, content for both would be deleted. Now prefixes tables with Matrix field id - ie: supertablecontent_matrixId_fieldhandle. See notes.
  • Fix for some UI elements not initializing for Matrix > Super Table > Matrix layout #28.

Version 0.3.4

November 30, 2015
  • Minor visual fix for Row layout and table overflow #24.
  • Fix for Table layout and deleting element select items #25.

Version 0.3.3

November 30, 2015
  • Minor fixes to issues introduced accidentally in 0.3.2.

Version 0.3.2

November 30, 2015
  • Fix for Matrix-SuperTable-Matrix field configuration and correct namespacing. Caused numerous inner-Matrix issues.

Version 0.3.1

November 30, 2015
  • Fix for field labels on inner-Matrix field being hidden #16.
  • Latest Redactor version fixes #3.
  • Fix for width not being applied for columns #15.
  • Fix issues with multiple Matrix Configurators causing many javascript issues see Craft 2.4.2677.

Version 0.3.0

November 30, 2015

Version 0.2.9

November 30, 2015
  • Added Static option for fields. Allows for blocks to be non-repeatable see more.
  • Fixed validation when creating Super Table fields.
  • Added option to set the 'Add a row' button text.
  • Added Max Rows option.
  • Added required option for fields.

Version 0.2.8

November 30, 2015
  • Minor fix for Row Layout and Element Selection fields. Clicking delete on an element select would remove the entire row.

Version 0.2.7

November 30, 2015
  • Full support for Matrix.

Version 0.2.6

November 30, 2015
  • Added Row layout option see example
  • Removed background colouring for cells.

Version 0.2.5

November 30, 2015
  • Added width option to each column.
  • Added Label field type.
  • Fixed some minor validation bugs.
  • Fixed namespacing issues for element-selects and some other fields inside Matrix blocks.