Version 2.1.20

July 21, 2024


  • Add the ability to set links to current site, or specific site for element-based links.


  • Change change-detection mechanism incorrectly flagging changed JSON due to discrepancies with PHP vs JS JSON encoding.


  • Fix an error when creating search indexes.
  • Fix default site for Link nodes.
  • Fix Image node URLs not being dynamics when non-transforms are selected.
  • Fix default transform value for Image nodes.
  • Fix change detection mechanism for Vizy Blocks.

Version 2.1.19

April 29, 2024


  • Update Tiptap dependancies.


  • Fix element owner checks.
  • Fix content changes being detected for nested fields when there are none. In addition, Vizy fields only listen for changes to their content when interacted with.
  • Fix an error when re-ordering Vizy blocks with Asset fields.

Version 2.1.18

April 10, 2024


  • Add the Craft.Vizy.Config.registerTemplates() JS function for custom extensions to render their own template in a Vizy field.


  • Fix an error for Image nodes, where the id attribute didn’t reflect an Asset Element ID.

Version 2.1.17

March 18, 2024


  • Fix an error with content not saving when two Vizy fields with Block-only and Rich Text configs are present.

Version 2.1.16

February 29, 2024


  • Update Vue.js version for some compatibility fixes.
  • Update all Tiptap dependencies for the latest and greatest features/fixes.


  • Fix CKEditor issue when moving Vizy Blocks.
  • Fix an error when importing Vizy content with Feed Me, when field content is empty.
  • Fix YouTube live URLs for media embed function.
  • Fix Selectize fields not working properly when re-ordering Vizy blocks when contained in a Matrix/Super Table field.
  • Fix spacing of non-full-width fields in Vizy blocks.
  • Fix text overflowing issue in editor when no newlines were present.

Version 2.1.15

January 30, 2024


  • Fix inline JS scripts for some fields throwing fatal Vizy Block errors.
  • Fix tooltip for Image nodes not appearing when clicking on, in some instances.
  • Fix extra CSS and JS generated by block types not being extracted out for new blocks.
  • Fix an error when clicking on a link to edit its setting, when wrapped in other nodes or marks.

Version 2.1.14

December 8, 2023


  • Add NodeInterface::contentNodes for GraphQL node queries for getting nested content nodes/marks.


  • Fix Vizy fields not saving when they contained a Neo field.
  • Fix NodeInterface::marks to actually return the marks of a node.
  • Fix an error for Hyper fields with element custom fields, not saving correctly.

Version 2.1.13

November 25, 2023


  • Add console log for fatal Vizy block renders to assist with debugging.


  • Fix fatal Vue errors when inline <style> tags were included in Vizy block field rendering.
  • Fix error state for invalid Vizy blocks.
  • Fix and improve click and mouse events inside a Vizy block, due to drag-handling from Tiptap.
  • Fix an issue where fields in a Vizy block couldn’t be focused, due to a Craft 4.5.7 change.
  • Fix an error with code block nodes escaping code content.

Version 2.1.12

October 25, 2023


  • Add exception message to console when failing to render a Vizy block.


  • Fix an error when outputting iframe content, in some cases.

Version 2.1.11

October 3, 2023


  • Fix HardBreak (<br>) nodes being rendered twice.
  • Fix an issue where some fields (Hyper) in Vizy blocks weren’t being serialized properly.

Version 2.1.10

September 25, 2023


  • Add better handling for fatal errors when rendering Vizy blocks.


  • Fix Table node inner node styles (links, lists, etc).
  • Fix when using the Image Editor on an Image node, transforms not being generated.

Version 2.1.9

September 8, 2023


  • Add normalization fix for incorrect ListItem schema format.
  • Add title setting to Link nodes.


  • Fix an issue with project config and other new fields.
  • Fix using Hyper and Icon Picker fields in Vizy blocks.
  • Fix ListItem normalization.
  • Fix an error with node normalization.
  • Switch htmlEncode for AntiXSS for better special character handling.
  • Fix Table nodes’ rendering.
  • Fix node normalization not completing correctly for nested nodes.
  • Fix field not initializing correctly in Super Table or Matrix field settings.
  • Fix rel output for links.
  • Fix overlapping marks not producing the correct HTML output.

Version 2.1.8

August 10, 2023


  • Fix rendering nested JS for Vizy fields.
  • Revamp Vue component initialization for input and settings. Improves performance and edge-cases with Vizy fields nested in Matrix/Neo/Super Table and nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix an issue where nested Vizy fields trigger an unload warning.
  • Fix GQL schema for Nodes to generating correctly.
  • Fix Super Table/Matrix/Neo nested combinations not rendering Vizy fields correctly.
  • Fix an issue for neste Vizy fields, and isNew checks.
  • Fix an issue where deeply-nested Vizy fields within Matrix or Super Table fields weren’t having their content set correctly.
  • Fix lightswitch UI for Vizy blocks on Craft 4.4.16+.
  • Fix “fresh” check for blocks, affecting some defaults for some fields (Button Box) saving over content.
  • Fix the media embed node not displaying correctly when toggling the code editor.
  • Fix ListItem nodes throwing an error when their content was null.

Version 2.1.7

July 11, 2023


  • Add error class to Vizy Block tabs, when one of their fields has an error.


  • Fix an error parsing empty table field nodes.
  • Fix an error when Vizy Blocks contain a dismissable UI element tip.
  • Fix Matrix-nested fields and spacing.

Version 2.1.6

May 27, 2023


  • Fix new Vizy blocks not having their isFresh set for new fields.

Version 2.1.5

May 17, 2023


  • Add recursiveFieldCount plugin setting.


  • Fix an error when no blocktypes are defined for a blocktype group.
  • Fix an issue when new nested Vizy fields would wipe out other fields’ unsaved draft content.
  • Fix incorrectly hijacking click events inside Vizy blocks.
  • Fix an error for Media Embed nodes when containing special characters in embed data HTML.

Version 2.1.4

May 3, 2023


  • Improve gap cursor between Vizy blocks.


  • Fix an error when editing nested Vizy fields in element slide-outs.
  • Fix an issue where nested Vizy fields (Vizy > Matrix > Vizy) weren’t working correctly.
  • Fix iframe nodes not rendering correctly.

Version 2.1.3

April 24, 2023


  • Lower the font size of preview text for Vizy Blocks.
  • Update all JS dependencies.


  • Fix Vizy block preview text not using correct values for some field types.
  • Fix an error when re-ordering certain Vizy blocks, containing nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix collapse transition with nested Vizy fields and the editor toolbar.
  • Fix dropdown fields used in Vizy blocks rendering incorrectly when moving.
  • Fix incorrect Table handling for Feed Me.
  • Fix Redactor fields in nested Vizy fields getting reset (removed) when they shouldn’t.

Version 2.1.2

April 20, 2023


  • Fix being unable to select an image when no default transform was set for the field.

Version 2.1.1

April 19, 2023


  • Add Table support for Feed Me.
  • Command Palette commands can now be part of the Editor Config.


  • Command Palette commands now filter out any extensions that are included, but don't have a button enabled.


  • Fix ul/ol items being invalid in the editor and saved incorrectly. May require any items added after 2.1.0 to be re-input.
  • Fix some users not being able to link to assets.

Version 2.1.0

April 13, 2023


  • Add the ability to provide your own buttons, commands and extensions.
  • Add support for Editor Config custom buttons.
  • Vizy fields can now be included recursively (up to 10 levels of the same field).
  • Add Media Embed node.
  • Add Table node.
  • Add iFrame node.
  • Add TextStyle mark for creating span elements related to text styles.
  • Add “Editor Mode” field setting to control whether block-only, rich-text-only or combined.
  • Add “Commands Palette” to make creating content super-speedy. Just start typing “/“ anywhere.
  • Add “Block Type Picker Behaviour” field setting to control whether having the block-picker shown on click or hover.
  • Add “Expand All” and “Collapse All” option to Vizy blocks.
  • Add data-block and data-type attributes to Vizy blocks.
  • Add Ctrl/Cmd + K as a keyboard shortcut to add new links.
  • Add “Plain Text Paste” field setting.
  • Add “Classes” setting to Link nodes.
  • Add “Min Blocks” and “Max Blocks” settings to field.
  • Add “Min Blocks” and “Max Blocks” settings to each Vizy block type.
  • Add LinkMarkInterface for Link Marks for GraphQL queries.
  • Add proper support for Marks in GraphQL queries.
  • Add Link::getLinkElement().
  • Add the ability to set a default source for images uploaded to the field.
  • Add keyboard accessibility to menu button dropdowns.
  • Add the ability to set render variables on the node with node.renderHtml(config) or node.renderNode(config).
  • Add keyboard support to block type picker.
  • Add better ghost image when dragging Vizy blocks.
  • Add support for disabling max picked blocks from the block-picker.
  • Double-clicking a Vizy block now toggles its collapsed state.
  • Add Node::normalizeNode to allow nodes to be normalized from the database.
  • Add values to VizyBlockInterface for GraphQL.


  • Now requires Craft 4.4+.
  • Update all JS dependancies.
  • Update Tiptap to 2.0.
  • Remove Vizy block focus state (for now).
  • Refactor nested Vizy fields to correctly render with Vue 3 compilation, fixing lots of pesky issues.
  • Formatting buttons (headings, blockquote, etc) can now be included outside of the formatting dropdown.
  • Ordered/Unordered Lists nodes now longer wrap content with Paragraph nodes.
  • Refine heading styles in the editor.
  • Update NodeInterface::text to return a textual representation (plain text) of any content for GraphQL.
  • Modifying other Craft fields included in Vizy fields now correctly updates content when fields’ handles are changed.
  • Improve visibility of dropcursor when dragging Vizy blocks.
  • Speed up tippy overlays for snappier feedback.
  • Change top-level Paragraph node button icon.
  • Move asset-related field settings to hidden “advanced” area for brevity.
  • Update text align buttons to show isActive state.
  • Provide better handling of invalid Vizy blocks if they occur.


  • Fix modified field status badge for Vizy block fields.
  • Fix field triggering a changed value behaviour (saving a new draft) when no content has changed.
  • Fix edit image modal alignment and overflow scrolling issues.
  • Fix settings cog color for Vizy blocks.
  • Fix tab overflow issue for Vizy blocks.
  • Fix missing translations for block settings.
  • Fix toolbar button alignment issue for icons.
  • Fix Paragraph node button not working correctly.
  • Fix node selection when hovering.
  • Fix empty blocktype picker UI when no block types are available.
  • Fix being able to copy/paste Vizy blocks into other fields (in a nested setup) that don’t support the same block types.
  • Fix a JS error when trying to drag blocks between nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix copying field handles when editing field content not working.
  • Fix an issue where field layout fields may not be saved when adding quickly.
  • Fix some HTML characters being stripped incorrectly due to LitEmoji processing.
  • Fix node attributes like classes not always merging correctly with template-defined and config-defined.
  • Fix nodes saving attributes with null values.
  • Fix Paragraph empty checks when containing nested nodes/marks.
  • Fix node serialization not working for nested nodes.
  • Fix an error when invalid nodes were used (crashes editor).
  • Fix some special HTML characters being stripped out of content.
  • Fix accessibility for button modals.
  • Fix menu bar items in dropdowns not showing their active state.
  • Fix dropcursor glitches between Vizy blocks, and improve style.
  • Fix an issue where saving Vizy fields inside Vizy Block field type settings weren’t always saved.
  • Fix Redactor changes in Vizy blocks not having their content serialized correctly.
  • Fix Table fields used in Vizy Blocks not saving correctly when rows in the table are deleted.
  • Fix height of menu button options and scrollable container.

Version 2.0.12

February 27, 2023


  • Fix an error when querying Vizy blocks with GraphQL.

Version 2.0.11

February 21, 2023


  • Add support for Preparse plugin.
  • Add content service to handle updating Vizy field content (mostly for Hyper.
  • Add $_type and $_field to Block. (thanks @leevigraham).
  • Add the ability to set the initial number of rows for a field, to control its initial height.


  • Change Vizy field data to be stored in vizyData to prevent collisions with inner fields (which are not needed but can override Vizy serialized content).
  • Only admins are now allowed to access plugin settings.
  • text for nodes is now automatically run through the raw Twig filter to decode HTML special characters.


  • Fix a GraphQL type error for VizyBlocks.
  • Fix node types not appearing in the Explorer or Introspection for GraphQL.

Version 2.0.10

December 25, 2022


  • Link marks now automatically parse for reference tags in their href.


  • Fix GraphQL queries throwing an error when fields aren’t initialized fully.
  • Fix heading styles in editor.
  • Fix an error importing via Feed Me, in some cases.

Version 2.0.9

November 9, 2022


  • Fix Feed Me importing not supporting all node types (just plain text).
  • Fix an error where field settings for a block’s field layout can be corrupted.

Version 2.0.8

October 23, 2022


  • Fix handling of Vizy fields inside element slideouts, instead of block relationship fields when being edited.

Version 2.0.7

September 25, 2022


  • Add support for entries conditions for Vizy fields.


  • Switch deprecated ueberdosis/html-to-prosemirror package to ueberdosis/tiptap-php.


  • Fix Vizy blocks not being site-aware.
  • Fix “Open link in new tab” not saving correctly for link nodes.
  • Fix asset fields within Matrix/Super Table fields not moving from the temporary upload directory.
  • Fix an error when propagating element fields’s content for un-translated Vizy/SuperTable/Inner fields.
  • Fix an error when propagating Super Table rows for un-translated Vizy/SuperTable/Inner fields.
  • Fix an error when propagating Matrix blocks for un-translated Vizy/Matrix/Inner fields.
  • Fix importing nodes via Feed Me not working for some node types.

Version 2.0.6

August 11, 2022


  • Fix Vizy node content being reset when inserting other nodes directly before it.
  • Fix a field alignment issue in nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix Vizy fields not initializing when switching entry types.
  • Fix fields not working correctly in element slideouts, in some instances.

Version 2.0.5

August 9, 2022


  • Fix GraphQL queries throwing an error when fields aren’t initialized fully.
  • Fix blocktype picker not appearing in Live Preview.
  • Fix potential error for blocktypes.
  • Update Vizy loading for input to handle proper loading using Vite.

Version 2.0.4

July 6, 2022


  • Fix an error when making GraphQL queries.

Version 2.0.3

July 2, 2022


  • Add vite-plugin-compression to generate gzipped JS/CSS assets.
  • Add better handling for JS scripts on-load, to prevent against missing JS execution in some cases. (thanks @khalwat).


  • Update CP template content block.


  • Fix a GQL deprecation notice.
  • Fix HMR not working when making changes to vizy.js.
  • Fix updating Block Type template not working correctly.
  • Fix en error when trying to limit “Available Volumes” or “Available Transforms”.
  • Fix an error when rendering an entry revision for nested Vizy fields.

Version 2.0.2

June 4, 2022


  • Fix an error with JS translations.
  • Fix return types for node.renderHtml().

Version 2.0.1

May 28, 2022


  • Add changes/improvements from 1.0.14.


  • Fix renderHtml() not rendering HTML correctly.
  • Fix JS initialization for input and settings.
  • Fix field settings not initializing in some cases.

Version 2.0.0

May 5, 2022


  • Add checks for registering events for performance.


  • Now requires PHP 8.0.2+.
  • Now requires Craft 4.0.0+.
  • Merge updates with version 1.0.13.
  • Migrate to Vite and Vue 3 for performance.
  • Rename base plugin methods.
  • Replace deprecated Craft.postActionRequest() for JS.
  • Improve field performance when editing in the control panel.


  • Fix Craft 4.0.0 compatibilities.
  • Fix link sources having duplicate sources.
  • Fix a type error when trying to render empty HTML.
  • Fix Vizy field settings not picking up field layout changes when edited.


  • Remove cleanDeltas(), which is no longer needed in Craft 4.

Version 1.0.22

December 25, 2022


  • Fix GraphQL queries throwing an error when fields aren’t initialized fully.

Version 1.0.21

October 23, 2022


  • Fix handling of Vizy fields inside element slideouts, instead of block relationship fields when being edited.

Version 1.0.20

September 25, 2022


  • Fix an issue where nested Vizy fields in Matrix/Super Table/etc fields weren’t having their content serialized correctly.

Version 1.0.19

September 23, 2022


  • Fix display issues with Vizy fields in Live Preview.
  • Fix an overflow issue for small screens for the block picker.
  • Fix a legacy error where in some cases blocks were missing their block type.
  • Fix toggling field tabs not working correctly for nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix legacy handling of HtmlToProseMirror package when importing content via Feed Me.

Version 1.0.18

August 11, 2022


  • Update all tiptap dependancies to latest beta versions.


  • Fix Vizy node content being reset when inserting other nodes directly before it.

Version 1.0.17

August 9, 2022


  • Fix blocktype picker not appearing in Live Preview.

Version 1.0.16

July 2, 2022


  • Add isRoot for Vue component top-level fields.


  • Update all tiptap dependancies to latest beta versions.
  • Exclude any falsey attributes for a node when rendering.
  • Lower debounce time for watched Vizy Block field changes.
  • Only clicking on the header of Vizy Blocks selects a block.


  • Fix link nodes always including target and rel attributes.
  • Fix newly created Vizy blocks not having the correct namespace in some instances.
  • Fix JS not initializing correctly for complex Vizy fields and in combination with Neo/SuperTable/Matrix.
  • Fix an error where delta values for other fields was being stripped out when including a Vizy field.
  • Fix an error when saving nested Vizy fields with validation errors and blocks losing their content.
  • Fix unload warning when no content has been changed.
  • Fix Vizy Block field alignment of fields.
  • Fix selected state issues on nested Vizy fields and Vizy blocks, and add support for “Escape” key to remove selected Vizy Block.
  • Fix being unable to click properly between Vizy blocks to add a new node, and fix gap cursor alignment.
  • Fix an overlay issue for nested Vizy fields when picking Vizy blocks.
  • Fix multiple Redactor fields in a single Vizy block not working correctly.

Version 1.0.15

June 4, 2022


  • Fix incorrectly encoding quotes for Vizy field content.

Version 1.0.14

May 28, 2022


  • Add VizyImageNodeInterface and the ability to query asset on image nodes.
  • Add Image::getAsset() for image nodes.
  • Add caching for block type definitions for each field, to speed up rendering of large Vizy fields.
  • Improve field performance when editing in the control panel.


  • Fix being unable to remove the template path for a Vizy blocktype when editing the field settings.
  • Remove HTMLPurifier due to performance issues, as we can rely on proper HTML encoding via StringHelper::htmlEncode.
  • Fix double-encoding of HTML strings.
  • Fix volumes not working for selecting images.

Version 1.0.13

April 13, 2022


  • Add support for limit, orderBy and where arguments for GraphQL queries, when querying nodes.
  • Add descriptions for all attributes for GraphQL.
  • Add vizyBlock.getCollapsed().
  • Add
  • Add Node::isEmpty().


  • Change field layout instruction text for Vizy field settings.
  • GraphQL queries using nodes now only return enabled nodes.


  • Fix NodeCollection::isEmpty not working correctly.

Version 1.0.12

March 17, 2022


  • Fix nested node content being incorrectly stripped out due to HTML purifier.

Version 1.0.11

March 13, 2022


  • Improve node collection performance.
  • Minor Vizy block performance improvements.


  • Fix serializing nested Vizy fields not being arrays.
  • Fix a potential XSS vulnerability, where HTML wasn’t correctly encoded.
  • Fix an error when serializing nested Vizy fields, when generating search keywords.
  • Fix rendering node collections in the control panel automatically when not needed.
  • Fix Vizy Block nodes not rendering correctly for GraphQL queries.
  • Fix an error when querying nodes or rawNodes for GraphQL queries.

Version 1.0.10

February 28, 2022


  • Add support for emoji’s in Vizy field content.


  • Fix field content not updating when editing raw HTML.
  • Fix non-translatable Vizy field with inner translatable fields not having their content propagated correctly.
  • Fix Matrix field sanitizing not working correctly for Vizy Blocks containing Matrix fields where their sub-field handles have changed.
  • Fix related elements in Vizy block fields not having their appropriate site (inherited from the owner element) applied to the field.
  • Fix Matrix field sanitizing not working correctly for Vizy Blocks containing Matrix fields where their sub-field handles have changed.
  • Fix a compatibility issue with Redactor, showing extra line breaks incorrectly.
  • Fix rendering content not reporting back correctly for length Twig filter, and no longer require the use of raw Twig filter.
  • Fix displaying encoded html characters in some cases (pasting from Word).

Version 1.0.9

January 17, 2022


  • Add support for Feed Me.


  • Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2.


  • Fix "Remove Empty Paragraphs" not working correctly when content has been pasted from Word, or contained &nbsp; characters.
  • Fix Firefox text selection issue, when trying to select text within a Vizy block (input, textarea fields).
  • Fix gapcursor tiptap utility not working correctly.
  • Fix when fields only containing images, the field is considered empty.

Version 1.0.8

October 23, 2021


  • Update all tiptap dependancies to latest beta versions.


  • Fix Redactor fields not working correct in a Vizy block.
  • Fix editor losing focus when pressing toolbar buttons.
  • Fix z-index overflow issue when showing the block type selector.
  • Fix block type selector not allowing scrollable area when a lot of blocks are available.
  • Fix Image nodes not having ref tags parsed correctly for transforms.
  • Fix ref parsing logic for Link nodes.
  • Fix an error thrown during search indexing, when a Vizy block contained an element select field (assets, entries, etc).

Version 1.0.7

September 9, 2021


  • Fix content not saving correctly when editing via the element slideout.
  • Fix editor toolbar not behaving as fixed when opening the element editor slideout.
  • Fix links containing ref tags not being parsed properly.
  • Fix including incorrect attributes (id, uid) when querying Vizy field nodes via GraphQL.

Version 1.0.6

August 29, 2021


  • Add subscript and superscript buttons.


  • Update all tiptap dependancies to latest beta versions.


  • Ensure each field's content is serialized properly when saving Vizy blocks.
  • Fix Vizy blocks using isolating, causing issues with backspacing some other nodes (blockquote).
  • Fix an error when trying to add a link with only numbers.
  • Remove field modification indicator (from Craft) for Vizy block inner fields.
  • Fix lack of enabled attribute for all nodes.
  • Fix disabled Vizy blocks returned in query() when using all() to query nodes.
  • Fix text align buttons not working, due to @tiptap/core@2.0.0-beta.85 change.
  • Fix numerous errors when creating multiple Vizy fields in Matrix and Super Table fields.

Version 1.0.5

August 2, 2021


  • Update all tiptap dependancies to latest beta versions.


  • Fix nested Vizy fields not rendering when used inside a Matrix block (also inside a Vizy field).
  • Fix focus styling when selecting a Vizy Block.
  • Fix Vizy Block inner field validation (including Matrix).
  • Fix brand-new static Super Table blocks in a Vizy block having their rows duplicated when moving the block.
  • Fix when moving a Vizy block containing a Redactor field, it Redactor would be initialized multiple times.
  • Fix field layout changed in a Super Table-nested Vizy field not applying when running project-config/apply.
  • Fix field layout changed in a Matrix-nested Vizy field not applying when running project-config/apply.
  • Fix multiple Vizy fields in Matrix/Super Table parent fields not saving correctly.

Version 1.0.4

July 21, 2021


  • Add text and rawNode to NodeInterface for GraphQL.


  • Fix an error when saving Vizy blocks containing Matrix fields with no blocks defined.
  • Fix Vizy fields failing to validate Vizy blocks, when only Vizy blocks are present in the field.
  • Fix content, attrs, marks and text GraphQL node properties not having the correct values.
  • Fix image node, and other self-closing nodes not displaying correctly.
  • Fix required Vizy fields not validating when no content is set for the field.

Version 1.0.3

June 22, 2021


  • Add defaultTransform field setting.
  • Add defaultTransform field setting.
  • Add availableTransforms field setting.
  • Add availableVolumes field setting.
  • Add showUnpermittedFiles field setting.
  • Add showUnpermittedVolumes field setting.
  • Add trimEmptyParagraphs field setting to automatically trim any empty paragraphs in content.
  • Add serializeValue() to all nodes, to control the values saved to the database.


  • Update all tiptap dependancies to latest beta versions.
  • Update Vizy Node GraphQL interface name.


  • Fix multiple nested marks (bold + underline, etc) rendering text twice.
  • Fix Matrix blocks throwing an error if a block type field was deleted. (thanks @dyerc).
  • Fix Vizy block type fields not saving when nested in a Super Table/Matrix field.
  • Fix nested Vizy fields’ image nodes not working correctly.
  • Fix GQL Vizy Block field aliases not working.
  • Fix fixed toolbar buttons overlapping for nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix nested list elements ul, ol not appearing correctly in the control panel editor.
  • Fix Vizy Block fields not validating when saving an element.
  • Fix getMarkAttributes tiptap deprecation.
  • Fix asset fields in Vizy blocks not resolving to the correct volume/paths.
  • Fix incorrectly parsing Twig template code in block fields.
  • Fix Vizy fields not showing as empty for empty content.

Version 1.0.2

May 30, 2021


  • Allow marks to use merge when using template-based config.
  • Add getOwner() to Vizy Block element, to allow use of owner for block field settings.


  • Update all tiptap dependancies to latest beta versions.
  • Remove duplicate Vue dependancy, causing some conflicts with other plugins using Vue.


  • Fix incompatibility issues with Inventory plugin.
  • Fix an error when a block type’s tab contained only numbers.
  • Fix orphaned layouts for deleted block types, or deleted Vizy fields.
  • Fix field layout setting updates not being stored to project config (adding or removing field).
  • Ensure general block type errors are show when saving a field fails.
  • Fix multiple field layouts being created if a block type fails validation when saving the field settings.
  • Fix unload warnings when no content has changed, when a field has nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix nested Vizy fields and their toolbars not sticking when using toolbarFixed.
  • Fix “add block” button not always appearing on a new line, depending on formatted text.
  • Fix incomplete field data being saved when a Matrix (or similar) field contained a nested Matrix, when the owner element has unchanged block content.

Version 1.0.1

May 9, 2021


  • Allow Icons Path setting to use auto-suggest field.
  • Refactor block inner field change detection to use MutationObserver. Should prove more reliable for variety of edge-cases.


  • Fix search indexing not factoring in Vizy block inner fields, and nested Vizy fields.
  • Fix documentation link for editor config in field settings.
  • Fix an error when trying to populate block content for a block field that has been changed or removed.
  • Fix Vizy block elements not having inner field normalisation occur with owner element.
  • Fix an error when adding new block types to the field.
  • Fix WYSIWYG styles being applied to nested block elements.
  • Fix changes from Redactor not serializing when saving Vizy field content.
  • Fix changes from Position and Colour Swatches plugins not serializing when saving Vizy field content.
  • Fix a potential error when a field that was included in a block type was deleted.
  • Fix changes from Tag fields not serializing when saving Vizy field content.
  • Fix extensions not always getting initialized properly, when being contained in the formatting menu.

Version 1.0.0

April 30, 2021
  • Initial release.