Version 2.0.12

July 21, 2024


  • Fix an error when editing lists on the front-end for logged-in users.

Version 2.0.11

June 18, 2024


  • Update English translations.
  • Clearing a list after adding to the cart is only allowed if the list is the owners.


  • Fix an error for guests creating lists from the front-end.
  • Fix list permissions enforcement for adding items to a cart from another users list.

Version 2.0.10

May 18, 2024


  • Update English translations.


  • Enforce permissions for lists when managing via the front-end.

Version 2.0.9

March 4, 2024


  • Add currentSite as a variable when rendering a PDF.
  • Add the ability to order list items by their linked-to element’s title with orderBy(‘elementTitle asc’).


  • Bump dompdf/dompdf requirement to 2.0.4.


  • Fix order of operations when uninstalling the plugin.

Version 2.0.8

January 30, 2024


  • PDFs now support using the current site’s locale language and formatting.


  • Fix being unable to delete a disabled list.

Version 2.0.7

October 25, 2023


  • Implement Element::trackChanges() for Blitz compatibility.

Version 2.0.6

July 11, 2023


  • Add reference to the List element index columns.


  • Fix when duplicating a list, a new reference wasn’t generated.

Version 2.0.5

May 27, 2023


  • Add empty linked element checks to wishlist/items/cleanup-orphaned-items


  • Only admins are now allowed to access plugin settings


  • Fix Wishlist list type permissions not using UIDs.
  • Fix being unable to customise item element index columns in the control panel, when editing a list.

Version 2.0.4

December 18, 2022


  • Added support for item options to be updated when managing items. (thanks @bymayo).
  • Add cross-site item management.
  • Add support for siteId for craft.wishlist.item.


  • Update element GraphQL description.


  • Fixed PHP errors that could occur when executing GraphQL queries.

Version 2.0.3

October 23, 2022


  • Add batch processing for purge list/items commands.

Version 2.0.2

September 25, 2022


  • Fix an error when running Craft's Garbage Collection. (thanks @olivierbon).
  • Fix an error when viewing list owners in the control panel.

Version 2.0.1

September 17, 2022


  • Fix an error when deleting a list type.
  • Fix multiple list types able to be set as the default.
  • Fix an error running resave console commands.

Version 2.0.0

July 20, 2022


  • Add missing translations.
  • Add resave console command for elements.
  • Add checks for registering events for performance.
  • Memoize all services for performance.
  • Rename base plugin methods.
  • Add archiveTableIfExists() to install migration.


  • Now requires PHP 8.0.2+.
  • Now requires Craft 4.0.0+.
  • Now supports dompdf/dompdf:^2.0.
  • pdfAllowRemoteImages is now true by default.


  • Fix an error when uninstalling.
  • Fix project-config/rebuild support.


  • Remove deprecated item and notice from Ajax responses.

Version 1.4.17

December 18, 2022


  • Added support for item options to be updated when managing items. (thanks @bymayo).

Version 1.4.16

December 7, 2022


  • Add cross-site item management.
  • Add support for siteId for craft.wishlist.item.

Version 1.4.15

October 23, 2022


  • Add batch processing for purge list/items commands.

Version 1.4.14

August 9, 2022


  • Add wishlist/items/cleanup-orphaned-items.
  • Show list owners with status and thumbnail in list element index view. (thanks @martyspain).


  • Fix items not being removed when pruning lists.

Version 1.4.13

July 27, 2022


  • Add missing English translations.


  • Fix an error when trying to update list items.

Version 1.4.12

March 15, 2022


  • Now requires Craft 3.6.0+.


  • Fix GraphQL generator issues in some cases (Gatsby).
  • Fix when purging lists, not taking into account timezone and comparing UTC dates correctly.
  • Fix an error when generating PDFs and custom fonts, where the temporary folder isn’t writable (or created).

Version 1.4.11

September 7, 2021


  • Fix wishlist item title not being set when saving items through ajax requests.
  • Fix craft.wishlist.getInUserLists() not implemented properly.

Version 1.4.10

July 20, 2021


  • Fix consolidateListsToUser only working for default list types.
  • Fix lack of table prefix for mergeLastListOnLogin handling.

Version 1.4.9

June 4, 2021


  • Fix issue where trying to remove or toggle a wishlist item with the options param could have no effect. (thanks @benface).
  • Fix mergeLastListOnLogin not respecting allowDuplicates by allowing duplicates during merging of guest and user lists.
  • Add craft.wishlist.getInUserLists().

Version 1.4.8

May 8, 2021


  • Add the ability to match existing wishlist items by itemId and options when trying to remove or toggle a wishlist item in a list.
  • Allow custom fields and options to be added when toggling a wishlist item.

Version 1.4.7

April 21, 2021


  • Add notes for list/items when they have no custom fields in the control panel.


  • Fix an error with Commerce 3.3+ and DomPDF version collision.
  • Fix an error when creating a new list item in the control panel.

Version 1.4.6

April 2, 2021


  • Fix mergeLastListOnLogin not correctly merging lists when logging in a user.

Version 1.4.5

March 4, 2021


  • Update mergeLastListOnLogin to only merge lists of the same type if they have the same title.


  • Fix default list type not saving to project config when first installing the plugin.

Version 1.4.4

January 24, 2021


  • Add updateItemSearchIndexes config setting to control updating search indexes for Wishlist items.
  • Add updateListSearchIndexes config setting to control updating search indexes for Wishlist Lists.


  • Improve item and list database query performance.


  • Fix craft.wishlist.item forcing the creation of a new list, when it shouldn’t.
  • Fix incorrectly showing list items in other users’ lists.

Version 1.4.3

December 22, 2020


  • Fix lists/add-to-cart not supporting custom error/success messages.
  • Fix lists/share-by-email not supporting custom error/success messages.
  • Fix user wishlist’s always showing the currently logged-in user, when editing a user in the control panel.

Version 1.4.2

December 16, 2020


  • When performing any list or item actions from the front end, a flash error/notice is now available with the result. Use'notice') to output this message when using the url() methods or using a <form> POST submit.
  • When submitting a form for managing items, you can see a successMessage or failMessage to modify the flash message returned. This is not available when using the url() methods. Be sure to hash the message: <input type="hidden" name="successMessage" value="{{ 'Override Message' | hash }}">.

Version 1.4.1

December 7, 2020


  • Wishlist queries via GraphQL are now no longer automatically included in the public schema.

Version 1.4.0

November 10, 2020

Please note the change in behaviour for craft.wishlist.item() has meant that you cannot rely on lists being auto-created anymore on page-load. Ensure anywhere you call {% set list = craft.wishlist.lists().one() %} you check {% if list %} before doing anything on the list. Ensure your templates work correctly.


  • Add params to addUrl(), removeUrl() and toggleUrl() to make it easier to create URLs.
  • Add listType handle to craft.wishlist.item().
  • Add listTypeId query param to Item queries.


  • craft.wishlist.item() no longer automatically creates new lists when the page is loaded, preventing lots of lists being created for guests. Previously as soon as the page loaded with this call, a list would be created for users, meaning lists could get out of control easily. Be sure to double check your templates.

Version 1.3.1

October 6, 2020


  • Fix optionsSignature error when updating.

Version 1.3.0

October 4, 2020


  • Guest lists are now (finally) persistent! Using cookies, even when the user closes their browser, their lists are retained for their next visit.
  • Add migration for Shortlist plugin for Craft 2.
  • Add migration for Upvote plugin.
  • Add PDF template handling, to provide an easy way to generate PDF's of your lists and their content. See docs.
  • Add Item Options, allowing you to save additional, arbitrary content on items. See docs.
  • Add all available config settings to be able to be managed in the control panel.
  • Add support for Craft 3.5+ field layouts.
  • Add support for multiple tabs for lists.
  • Add support for multiple tabs for list items.
  • Add support to customise the item element table columns when editing a list.
  • Add new tab to user’s account, for all wishlists and items they may own.
  • Add cookieExpiry config setting.
  • Add showListInfoTab config setting.
  • Add pdfFilenameFormat config setting.
  • Add pdfPath config setting.
  • Add pdfAllowRemoteImages config setting.
  • Add pdfPaperSize config setting.
  • Add pdfPaperOrientation config setting.


  • Now requires Craft 3.5+.

Version 1.2.21

October 3, 2020


  • Add craft.wishlist.plugin Twig variable, allowing access to plugin services.
  • Add lists/update-items controller action, to enable bulk-updating on list items, similar to a cart.
  • Add BCC and CC email options when sharing a list by email.

Version 1.2.20

September 26, 2020


  • Add fields to share-lists controller action. Allowing additional content to be used in email notifications

Version 1.2.19

September 18, 2020


  • Add ability to remove items from a list when adding to cart.


  • Allow add-to-cart and share-by-email endpoints for lists to be accessed anonymously.
  • Change add-to-cart behaviour so that it only adds supplied purchasables to the cart - if provided.

Version 1.2.18

September 3, 2020


  • The update list action can now be accessed anonymously. (thanks @BrandonJamesBorders).

Version 1.2.17

August 21, 2020


  • Fix type check error when trying to determine list owner.

Version 1.2.16

August 10, 2020


  • Add wishlist/lists/purge-inactive-lists console command.
  • Provide the list object to controller actions, to allow usage like {{ redirectInput('lists/{id}') }}. (thanks @brandonohara).
  • Add purgeEmptyListsOnly and purgeEmptyGuestListsOnly config settings.


  • Improve error-handling for some template functions, to guard against errors.

Version 1.2.15

June 30, 2020


  • Return list reference on wishlist/lists/create. (thanks @BrandonJamesBorders).

Version 1.2.14

June 15, 2020


  • Add wishlist/lists/update action to enable list updating from the front-end.

Version 1.2.13

June 9, 2020

Please note the deprecation of item for Ajax requests. If you're using Ajax to handle the response from add/delete/toggle, please adjust your Javascript code that handles this to use items.


  • Full item model is now included in Ajax responses for toggle requests.


  • Fix incorrect return values for add/delete/toggle for Ajax requests.


  • item is now deprecated in Ajax responses for add/delete/toggle actions, and will be removed in the next major release. Please adjust your code to instead rely on items which is an array of returned Wishlist items. This is because these actions can support multiple items, rather than just a single one.

Version 1.2.12

May 31, 2020

Please note the change in default behaviour for purgeInactiveLists.


  • Change purgeInactiveLists to be on by default. This will prevent your wishlists from getting out of control.

Version 1.2.11

May 29, 2020


  • Add item model to add/remove ajax actions.
  • Implement GraphQL for items and lists. See docs.

Version 1.2.10

May 16, 2020

Please note the change in default behaviour for mergeLastListOnLogin.


  • Change mergeLastListOnLogin to be off by default. User lists won't be merged automatically, by default.

Version 1.2.9

May 14, 2020


  • Add resave/wishlist-items console command.
  • Add resave/wishlist-lists console command.


  • Fix potential error when fetching an items list, when it doesn’t exist.

Version 1.2.8

May 12, 2020


  • Return “items” when toggling an item. This will be the item ID and the action taken upon an item ('added' or 'removed').

Version 1.2.7

May 12, 2020


  • Add action param to all item and list controller actions

Version 1.2.6

April 16, 2020


  • Fix logging error Call to undefined method setFileLogging().

Version 1.2.5

April 16, 2020


  • Add mergeLastListOnLogin, on by default to merge guests’ lists when logging in with existing saved lists.


  • Ensure saved lists for users aren’t overridden on next login.

Version 1.2.4

April 15, 2020


  • File logging now checks if the overall Craft app uses file logging.
  • Log files now only include GET and POST additional variables.

Version 1.2.3

April 7, 2020


  • Fix managing lists on the front-end and requiring permissions.

Version 1.2.2

April 1, 2020


  • Only allow editing of list types if editable.
  • Fix default data when installing conflicting with project config.
  • Ensure plugin project config is removed when uninstalling.

Version 1.2.1

January 30, 2020


  • Allow list actions to be callable via URL.
  • Add manageDisabledLists config setting to manage disabled lists and their items (default to true).


  • Fix error when adding a new item to list in the CP.
  • Fix unable to update the element for an item through the CP.

Version 1.2.0

January 29, 2020


  • Craft 3.4 compatibility.

Version 1.1.2

January 18, 2020


  • Fix project config error.

Version 1.1.1

January 18, 2020


  • Fix list items having incorrect search attributes.

Version 1.1.0

January 10, 2020


  • Add project config support.
  • Add support for add/delete/toggle multiple items. See docs
  • Add purgeInactiveGuestListsDuration to set times for guest lists to be purged, separate to user lists. This is default to 1 day.
  • Add purge lists to Craft's garbage collection.
  • Add guest list to user list when logging in.
  • Add email share action for lists. Users can directly and easily send their list via email.
  • Allow managing of list items in the CP, including add and delete.


  • Add forceSave to craft.wishlist.lists() to force a new list to be generated.


  • Fixed SQL error for PostgreSQL. (thanks @Tam).
  • Fix craft.wishlist.item() when called for a specific list.
  • Fix issue when calling multiple lists in the same request not returning the correct list.

Version 1.0.6

March 2, 2019


  • Add update controller action for items.


  • Fix title on CP edit item page.
  • Fix saving items in the CP.
  • Fix missing delete action for items

Version 1.0.5

March 1, 2019


  • Fix setting field params via URL not working correctly.

Version 1.0.4

February 27, 2019


  • Fix purge function to only remove lists with zero items.

Version 1.0.3

February 27, 2019


  • Fix typo in purge lists function.

Version 1.0.2

February 26, 2019


  • Fix permissions for lists.
  • Fix permissions for list types.
  • Fix sidebar menu for using plugin name override.

Version 1.0.1

February 17, 2019


  • Adding option to provide a list type handle or id when adding an Item. (thanks @echantigny).


  • Fix owner column not being correct.
  • Correct AJAX action for list type deletion. (thanks @AugustMiller).
  • Add routing rule for index of list type. (thanks @echantigny).
  • Fix error thrown when viewing list when created in the CP. (thanks @echantigny).

Version 1.0.0

November 26, 2018
  • Initial release.