Version 5.5.1

July 23, 2024


  • Nested element types are now differentiated in the Blitz Diagnostics utility.


  • Fixed a bug in which the plugin install migration could throw an exception in version 5.5.0 (#688).

Version 5.5.0

July 22, 2024

To ensure the changes are applied, the cache should be cleared or refreshed after this update completes.


  • Added the ability for Blitz to track custom field instances with renamed handles (#682).
  • Added the ability to view which tags are being tracked by each page in the Blitz Diagnostics utility.
  • Added the ability to view which pages/includes are tracking each element in the Blitz Diagnostics utility.


  • The “Served by Blitz” comment is now also output when the cached output is initially created and served.
  • Batch mode is now enabled whenever elements are resaved via a queue job.
  • Archived and deleted elements are no longer tracked when populated via eager-loaded element queries.
  • Criteria defined in eager-loaded element query mappings are now respected when tracking elements.
  • Updated links to Craft documentation to use the 5.x version.


  • Fixed a bug in which the presence of legacy File Storage settings in project config was throwing errors when upgrading from Blitz 4 (#668).
  • Fixed a bug in which the failed site count was not being correctly displayed in the Blitz Diagnostics recommendations.

Version 5.4.0

July 4, 2024


  • Added the ability for element site status changes to be tracked while not refreshing propagating elements (#631).

Version 5.3.4

July 3, 2024


  • Fixed a bug in which the cached page count of sites that contained the paths of other sites could be inaccurately displayed in the Blitz Cache utility.

Version 5.3.3

June 27, 2024


  • Fixed a bug in which the priority of refresh cache and driver jobs was interpreted as 0 when set to null (#655).
  • Fixed an issue in which the priority of batch jobs could be a negative number and therefore jobs would never complete.

Version 5.3.2

June 18, 2024


  • Fixed a bug in which modules that were not bootstrapped were throwing an error when generating a report in the Blitz Diagnostics utility (#668).
  • Fixed a bug in which incorrect purge requests were being sent to CloudFront for the homepage (#673).

Version 5.3.1

May 16, 2024


  • Added a tracked fields column to the tracked elements page in the Blitz Diagnostics utility.


  • Sites in the Blitz diagnostics report are now sorted by ID in ascending order.


  • Fixed a bug in the Git Deployer that was throwing an error when a cached page no longer existed (#664).

Version 5.3.0

May 7, 2024


  • Added anonymised site names to the Blitz diagnostics report.
  • Added a detailed breakdown of element types to the Blitz diagnostics report.
  • Added the ability to download the Blitz diagnostics report as a markdown file.


  • Optimised the refresh cache process by excluding redundantly tracked element queries based on their limit and offset values.


  • Fixed the check for whether the blitz/cache/refresh-expired console command was executed within the past 24 hours.
  • Fixed diagnostics notifications in the control panel.
  • Fixed the detection of lazy eager-loaded queries.
  • Fixed tracking of some element query attributes.

Version 5.2.0

April 27, 2024


  • Added the ability to generate a diagnostics report in the Blitz Diagnostics utility, that can be shared when requesting support.

Version 5.1.6

April 26, 2024


  • Fixed bug in the SQL statement introduced in 5.1.5 when using a Postgres database.

Version 5.1.5

April 26, 2024


  • Improved the deletion of cache records during the refresh cache process to help avoid database memory issues.

Version 5.1.4

April 22, 2024


The blitz/cache/refresh-cache-tags and blitz/cache/refresh-expired-elements no longer forcibly generate the cache.

Version 5.1.3

April 13, 2024


  • Reverted back to listening for resave and propagate element events.

Version 5.1.2

April 12, 2024


  • Dynamic includes in preview requests are now also sent via AJAX, passing through the token param (#653).


  • Fixed a bug in which propagated saves were not triggering refresh cache jobs (#654).

Version 5.1.1

April 12, 2024


  • Fixed a bug in which the Blitz Diagnostic utility could throw an error when viewing tracked includes and when using Postgres (#653).
  • Fixed an edge-case bug in which cached includes were not being refreshed when expired in a multi-site setup using subfolders.

Version 5.1.0

April 10, 2024


  • Added tracked includes to the Blitz Diagnostics utility.


  • Fixed a bug in which cached includes were not being refreshed when a URL was provided.
  • Fixed an edge-case bug in which cached includes were not being refreshed when expired.

Version 5.0.0

April 7, 2024


  • Added compatibility with Craft 5.
  • Added suggesting the use of the eagerly() function to lazy-loaded element queries in the Blitz Hints utility.


  • The Blitz Hints utility is now powered by Sprig, no longer tracks route variable hints and no longer requires an external package.


  • Removed the craft.blitz.getTemplate() template variable. Use craft.blitz.includeCached() or craft.blitz.includeDynamic() instead.
  • Removed the craft.blitz.getUri() template variable. Use craft.blitz.fetchUri() instead.
  • Removed the blitz/templates/get controller action.
  • Removed the cacheElements config setting. Use trackElements instead.
  • Removed the cacheElementQueries config setting. Use trackElementQueries instead.
  • Removed the craft.blitz.options.cacheElements() template variable. Use craft.blitz.options.trackElements() instead.
  • Removed the craft.blitz.options.cacheElementQueries() template variable. Use craft.blitz.options.trackElementQueries() instead.
  • Removed the createGzipFiles setting.
  • Removed the createBrotliFiles setting.
  • Removed the BlitzVariable::CACHED_INCLUDE_ACTION constant. Use CacheRequestService::CACHED_INCLUDE_ACTION instead.
  • Removed the BlitzVariable::DYNAMIC_INCLUDE_ACTION constant. Use CacheRequestService::DYNAMIC_INCLUDE_ACTION instead.
  • Removed the ElementTypeHelper::LIVE_STATUSES constant.
  • Removed the SettingsModel::clearOnRefresh method. Use SettingsModel::shouldClearOnRefresh instead.
  • Removed the SettingsModel::expireOnRefresh method. Use SettingsModel::shouldExpireOnRefresh instead.
  • Removed the SettingsModel::generateOnRefresh method. Use SettingsModel::shouldGenerateOnRefresh instead.
  • Removed the SettingsModel::purgeAfterRefresh method. Use SettingsModel::shouldPurgeAfterRefresh instead.
  • Removed the SettingsModel::generatePageBasedOnQueryString method. Use SettingsModel::shouldGeneratePageBasedOnQueryString instead.
  • Removed the SettingsModel::purgeAssetImages method. Use SettingsModel::shouldPurgeAssetImages instead.