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Campaign is an email marketing plugin. It aims to bring the distribution of content by email into the CMS, where we believe it should be, along with the same ethos of flexibility and user-friendliness that Craft does.

  • Complete control and personalisation of emails using Twig templates.
  • Integrates seamlessly with Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, Sendgrid, etc.
  • Unlimited campaigns, subscribers, mailing lists and sendouts.


Element Types
Campaigns, contacts, mailing lists, segments and sendouts are all element types. Composing your email campaigns and pulling in existing content is a cinch with custom fields.

Real-time Reports at your Fingertips
Detailed reports about your campaigns, contacts and mailing lists are available in real-time, right in the control panel.

Complete Control with Twig Templates
Complete personalisation of emails using Twig templates and variables. Design email templates for your specific site's and client's content needs.

Contact Management
Manage your contacts just like users. Import and export contacts easily from and to CSV files. Bounce and complaint handling is built-in to prevent email blacklisting.

Powerful Contact Segmentation
In addition to mailing lists, you also have fine-grain control over your contacts with segments. Segments are sets of conditions that filter contacts by specific fields, operators and values that can contain an unlimited amount of AND/OR conditions.

Pro Edition

The following features are available exclusively in the Pro edition of Campaign:

Segments – conditions that filter contacts by specific fields, operators and values
Automated Sendouts – delayed sending of campaigns to mailing lists
Recurring Sendouts – recurring sending of campaigns to mailing lists
Singular Sendouts – recurring sending of campaigns to individual contacts
User Group Sync – synchronised mailing lists with user groups

Learn more and read the documentation at »


Plus $69/year after one year.


Plus $99/year after one year.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4, Craft 5
Tested on Cloud
Last release
July 15, 2024
Activity (30 days)
Closed Issues
Open Issues
Merged PRs
Open PRs