Version 2.0.13

July 21, 2024


  • Add author email to sidebar when editing a comment in the control panel.
  • Add “Comments Order By” plugin setting to control the direction of comments.


  • Update English translations.
  • Update non-English translations.

Version 2.0.12

April 10, 2024


  • Fix an error when selecting a “Placeholder Avatar” asset.

Version 2.0.11

March 4, 2024


  • Fix some email message translation keys.
  • Fix order of operations when uninstalling the plugin.
  • Fix Emoji support and stripping out some valid special characters for comments.

Version 2.0.10

January 6, 2024


  • Add “Exclude Moderator Comments” plugin setting to allow moderator comments to be excluded from moderation.
  • Add “Moderator Edited Notifications” plugin setting to notify moderators when a comment is edited.


  • Fix element index not dislaying some characters correctly for comments.
  • Fix manually rendering JS not firing correctly in some instances.
  • Fix max comments for user check for multi-site installs.
  • Fix JS errors when no comment form is available (due to permissions).

Version 2.0.9

December 3, 2023


  • Add action for Comments to determine state of saving or deleting.
  • Add inline option for reCAPTCHA JS loading.


  • Fix an error where trashed comments weren’t validated correctly.
  • Fix custom email templates not working for notifications.
  • Fix an error with ownerSiteId for multi-site installs.
  • Fix lack of typecast for siteId when submitting comments.

Version 2.0.8

October 25, 2023


  • Add support for Votes to Feed Me itegration. (thanks @JeroenOnstuimig).
  • Add extra error-handling for some email notifications.


  • Implement Element::trackChanges() for Blitz compatibility.
  • Fix returning Vote user when both querying users and comments is allowed for GraphQL. (thanks @JeroenOnstuimig).

Version 2.0.7

March 9, 2023


  • Update system message headings for some email notifications.


  • Fix an issue when installing the plugin, and automatically disabled.
  • Fix an incompatibility with Emails plugin.
  • Fix incorrect return types for voting and flagging comments with GraphQL mutations.

Version 2.0.6

February 22, 2023


  • Add name and email to available index columns for the control panel.


  • Update English translations.
  • Only admins are now allowed to access plugin settings.
  • Improve dutch translations. (thanks @jeroenlammerts).


  • Fix a 404 error when trying to edit a non-primary site comment for a multi-site install.
  • Fix HTML encoding for name, email and comment columns in the control panel element index.
  • Fix compatibility with Craft 4 and guest names showing User.
  • Fix an error when importing nested commerce with Feed Me.
  • Fix email notifications not sending via the queue when comments are made from a non-primary site
  • Fix custom sources not filtering by $ownerSectionId. (thanks @jeroenlammerts).

Version 2.0.5

December 30, 2022


  • Fix an error when sending email notifications.

Version 2.0.4

December 25, 2022


  • Improve dutch translations. (thanks @jeroenlammerts).


  • Fixed PHP errors that could occur when executing GraphQL queries.

Version 2.0.3

October 12, 2022


  • Fix an error when upvoting immediately after downvoting.
  • Fix avatars not working for logged-in users.


September 17, 2022


  • Fix a fatal PHP error introduced in 2.0.2.

Version 2.0.2

September 17, 2022


  • Add support for setting ReCAPTCHA API keys via .env variables.


  • Fix template path not resetting when calling commentsInclude().
  • Fix an error when trying to edit a comment from the element index.
  • Fix element index arrow for comment elements.
  • Fix element action for setting status.
  • Fix lack of permission support for managing other user’s comments.
  • Fix being unable to set id, uid or userId for GraphQL mutations.
  • Fix an error running resave console commands.

Version 2.0.1

August 27, 2022


  • Added missing English Translations.


  • Fix an error when viewing comments with an avatar image.
  • Fix formatting for comments element index.
  • Fix lack of proper error when trying to edit an invalid comment in the control panel.
  • Fix the CP edit URL for comments to now no longer include the site ID.
  • Fix an error when importing comments via Feed Me in some instances.
  • Fix an error when uninstalling.
  • Fix being unable to view comments in the control panel.

Version 2.0.0

June 2, 2022


  • Add resave console command for elements.
  • Add checks for registering events for performance.
  • Add archiveTableIfExists() to install migration.


  • Now requires PHP 8.0.2+.
  • Now requires Craft 4.0.0+.
  • Now requires Comments 1.9.2 in order to update from Craft 3.
  • Rename service classes.
  • Rename base plugin methods.


  • Fix an error with GraphQL.
  • Fix typing for placeholderAvatar plugin setting.
  • Un-bold title for comments in comments index.
  • Fix an error when permissions exist for a no-longer-available element group.
  • Fix setting a parent comment not working for Feed Me, due to setParent() changes.


  • Removed craft.comments.all() and craft.comments.form().
  • Removed Comment::trashUrl, Comment::flagUrl, Comment::downvoteUrl, Comment::upvoteUrl.

Version 1.9.6

March 9, 2023


  • Update system message headings for some email notifications.


  • Fix an issue when installing the plugin, and automatically disabled.
  • Fix an incompatibility with Emails plugin.

Version 1.9.5

February 22, 2023


  • Improve dutch translations. (thanks @jeroenlammerts).


  • Fix email notifications not sending via the queue when comments are made from a non-primary site
  • Fix custom sources not filtering by $ownerSectionId. (thanks @jeroenlammerts).

Version 1.9.4

September 17, 2022


  • Add support for setting ReCAPTCHA API keys via .env variables.


  • Fix template path not resetting when calling commentsInclude().

Version 1.9.3

June 2, 2022


  • Add Minimum Score plugin setting for reCAPTCHA.


  • Fix JS render variables being way too large.
  • Fix an error saving a comment when the current site can’t be determined.
  • Fix replies not showing in the correct order (latest first).

Version 1.9.2

February 27, 2022


  • Add “Use Queue for Notifications” plugin setting (disabled by default).


  • Fix SQL errors when ordering comments via "Votes" or "Flagged" in the control panel.
  • Fix an error when sorting comments by their "flagged" column in the control panel.
  • Fix an error when including "flagged" as a column when viewing comments in the control panel.

Version 1.9.1

December 31, 2021


  • Fix Feed Me importing not taking into account trashed owners.

Version 1.9.0

December 4, 2021


  • Now requires Craft 3.7.24+.


  • Fix an incompatibility error with Craft 3.7.24+.

Version 1.8.12

December 4, 2021


  • Add settings.commentingAvailable(), which will provide more detailed information on why commenting is not available on an element. (thanks @adrienne).
  • Add support for importing nested child comments for Feed Me.


  • Fix an error when "Enable Admin Notifications" was enabled, but no "Comment Administrators" were defined.

Version 1.8.11

October 30, 2021


  • Now requires Craft 3.6.0+


  • Fix not fetching the correct site-specific element when passing in the siteId param to the render() function.
  • Fix siteId param for comment form not respecting overridden value when setting via Twig.

Version 1.8.10

October 6, 2021


  • Add some missing NL translations. (thanks @arifje).
  • Add comments/comments/get-js-variables controller endpoint to fetch necessary variables for rendering JS. Useful for headless setups. (thanks @arifje).


  • Fix an error when using GraphQL mutations and "Auto-close Comments" is enabled.

Version 1.8.9

September 27, 2021


  • Add support for "GraphQL Authentication" for all authenticated user functions when using GraphQL.
  • Add emailKey as a variable to the comments_subscriber_notification_comment and comments_subscriber_notification_element email template.
  • Update subscriber notification email defaults for replies.

Version 1.8.8

September 18, 2021


  • Add ./craft comments/base/set-structure console command for fixing comments that have lost their original structure.


  • Update status colours to Craft standard.
  • Ensure reply and edit forms generate unique IDs, when an id attribute is set on the DOM element for a comment. (thanks @adrienne).


  • Fix userAgent column in comments not having their default set to null.
  • Fix incompatibility with Blitz and CSRF token refreshing.
  • Fix CSRF token being added to form submissions twice.
  • Fix Craft 2 migration and commentDate error.
  • Fix error when trying to send author notification emails for comments made on assets.
  • Fix showCustomFields deprecation warning.

Version 1.8.7

May 30, 2021


  • Add support for GraphQL mutations. (thanks @mattstein).


  • Update reply notifications disabled warning message.
  • Remove showCustomFields config setting.


  • Fix reply email notifications not working correctly, when comment moderation was enabled.
  • Fix subscriber notification emails not being sent after a moderated comment was approved.
  • Fix subscriber notification emails being sent for comments that require moderation.
  • Fix admin notifications not sending when new comments are made.

Version 1.8.6

April 11, 2021


  • Add getUserVotes() variable functions.


  • Fix an error when editing a comment, for a comment from a deleted user.
  • Fix “under review” text not being translated properly.
  • Fix an error in hasDownVoted() and hasUpVoted().

Version 1.8.5

March 20, 2021


  • Fix all email notifications not being supplied with a user variable.
  • Fix an error being thrown for subscriber email notifications for guests.
  • Fix widget throwing an error when a commented-on element was deleted.

Version 1.8.4

February 19, 2021


  • Fix an error when flagging a comment, “Enable Flagged Notifications” is checked and no admin emails are defined.

Version 1.8.3

February 13, 2021


  • Fix JS error thrown when flags encountered an error.
  • Remove flags and votes memoization due to ongoing issues.

Version 1.8.2

February 3, 2021


  • Update JS to not rely on .cc-i-body for message.
  • Improve Flag and Vote queries for large amount of comments/votes/flags.


  • Fix a recursion error when trying to send subscribe email notifications.
  • Fix error with comment.parent not returning the correct element.
  • Fix some unsupported emoji’s included in comment text throwing errors.

Version 1.8.1

January 19, 2021


  • Fix comments’ field layout not being deleted when uninstalling the plugin.
  • Fix field layout for comments form being deleted incorrectly.

Version 1.8.0

January 18, 2021


  • Add Gravatar support to automatically fetch commenter avatars.
  • Add comments widget to show summary of comments in the Dashboard.
  • Add votes param to orderBy comment queries, allowing you to order comments by their total number of votes.
  • Add isFlagged comment query param.
  • Add maxUserComments plugin setting to control the maximum number of comments each user can add, for each owner element.
  • Add securityMatchExact plugin setting to allow security keywords to be exact word matches.
  • Add notificationAdmins plugin setting, allowing you to add emails for administrators to get email notifications on every comment.
  • Add templateEmail plugin setting to provide your own template for email notifications.
  • Add maxReplyDepth plugin setting to control how many levels of replies a comment can have - even disable replies altogether.
  • Add notificationAdmin to provide a collection of emails for certainly admin-centric notifications.
  • Add notificationAdminEnabled to notify nominated admins whenever a comment is made.
  • Add notificationFlaggedEnabled to notify nominated admins whenever a comment is flagged.
  • Add “Votes” column to comment index in control panel.
  • Add “Flagged” column to comment index in control panel.
  • Add native Feed Me support.
  • Add custom field support for Feed Me importing.
  • Add commentsSiteInclude() Twig function to allow template include resolution to site templates.
  • Add jsSettings optional parameter to craft.comments.render() to supply JS with extra settings.
  • Add trashAction and trashActionMessage to JS render variables.
  • Add comment caching for parent comments.
  • Add caching for avatars, to prevent fetching the same avatar multiple times.


  • Improved database query performance, lowering average queries by 30%.
  • Replace class selectors with attributes for javascript. (thanks @jsunsawyer).
  • Comments now requires Craft 3.5.8+.
  • Memoize flags and votes for performance.


  • Fix eager-loading comments more than 2 levels deep.
  • Fix comment replies not appearing in the control panel when editing a comment, if the replies were trashed.
  • Fix guest avatars not caching correctly for comment elements.
  • Fix comment owner not being cached properly for comment elements.
  • Fix missing <p> tags when editing a comment and closing a comment on the front-end.


  • Removed showCustomFields config setting.

Version 1.7.5

December 12, 2020


  • Fix comments form layout not saving custom fields.

Version 1.7.4

December 11, 2020


  • Ensure a field layout for comments is created when plugin settings are save in the control panel.
  • Fix error when trying to check avatar existence on non-local volumes.
  • Fix pending status icon when “Use shapes to represent statuses” was set to true.

Version 1.7.3

December 7, 2020


  • Comment queries via GraphQL are now no longer automatically included in the public schema.
  • Update comments to only support being saved in a single site.


  • Fix potential error thrown during migrations run via console commands.
  • Fix error when a reply failed on a multi-site.


November 24, 2020


  • Really fix an issue where the field layout may not exist.

Version 1.7.2

November 24, 2020


  • Fix an issue where the field layout may not exist.

Version 1.7.1

November 23, 2020


  • Fix field layout for comments not getting created correctly for new installs.

Version 1.7.0

November 22, 2020

If you are using any custom fields, you will need to re-order your fields. The comment textarea field is now content-managed, but added to the top of your form, instead of the bottom as is currently the case. Simply re-order your form fields in Settings > Comments Form after the update.

If you are using custom templates, consider reading the new Custom Templates documentation. There are no breaking changes in this release, but you may find the new method of overriding template partials much less heavy-handed and modular to implement. You might be able to clean up your templates a little!


  • The comment form now makes use of Craft's 3.5+ field layout designer.
  • The comment textarea can now be moved freely in the comment form, and optionally un-required.
  • Add commentsInclude to front-end templates, allowing for easier resolution to default or custom templates.
  • Add ability to override only a single included template partial for custom templates, rather than overriding all. For example, you can override just the comment form, or even just a custom field.
  • Add user to GraphQL comment interface. (thanks @jaydensmith).
  • Add guestNotice setting to define a notice when guest commenting is not allowed, and the user is a guest.
  • Add control panel scenario for Comment elements, to allow front-end and control panel differentiation for validation.


  • Now requires Craft 3.5+.
  • Improve query performance when using a placeholder avatar.
  • Improve reliability of getting author’s avatars, adding checks if it exists.
  • The reply and comments form are no longer shown when guest commenting is off, and the user is a guest.
  • Update example templates.
  • “Custom Fields” settings are now replaced by “Comments Form”.
  • Provide better handling when custom templates cannot be found. Comments will now fallback to default templates if the custom template cannot be found.
  • Front-end templates are now much more modular, allowing for greater flexibility with custom override templates. Hopefully this will help customising templates without having to main the entire set of front-end templates.


  • Fix minor alignment issue with field layout designer in plugin settings.
  • Fix asset fields and other multi-value fields not showing errors correctly on the front-end.
  • Fix custom fields for comments not showing correctly for non-English sites.
  • Fix minor sidebar layout issue when editing a comment.
  • Fix comments not validating correctly when editing in the control panel.
  • Ensure required custom fields are validated from the control panel and front-end for a comment.
  • Ensure comments form is properly reset after submission (JS).


  • The showCustomFields is deprecated, as it no longer had any effect.

Version 1.6.6

August 14, 2020


  • Add craft.comments.getJsVariables(), to allow manual initialisation of front-end JS.
  • Add loadInline option to craft.comments.renderJs(), to disable immediate initialisation.
  • Add notice in settings for Structure info regeneration.

Version 1.6.5

August 10, 2020


  • Fix visual bug for Craft 3.5 in comments index.

Version 1.6.4

June 22, 2020


  • Fix JS error when using craft.comments.renderJs. (thanks @john-henry).

Version 1.6.3

June 22, 2020

If you are using securityBlacklist in your config files, please rename it to securitySpamlist.


  • Add craft.comments.renderCss and craft.comments.renderJs.


  • Change 'securityBlacklist' to 'securitySpamlist'.

Version 1.6.2

June 15, 2020


  • Fix JS error when deleting a comment from the front-end.

Version 1.6.1

June 4, 2020


  • Fix error trying to comment when using recaptcha.

Version 1.6.0

May 30, 2020

If you are using the default JS, but are using your own custom templates (or vice-versa), please update your custom templates to use POST forms for flagging, voting and deleting a comment. If you do not have custom templates, this does not apply to you.


  • Flagging, voting and deleting a comment is now triggered through POST forms instead of links. Please ensure you update any custom templates to reflect this change.
  • Flagging, voting and deleting a comment can now only be done via POST requests.


  • Fix CSRF issue with delete, flag and vote URLs.


  • comment.trashUrl is now deprecated. Use a POST form instead. See docs.
  • comment.flagUrl is now deprecated. Use a POST form instead. See docs.
  • comment.upvoteUrl is now deprecated. Use a POST form instead. See docs.
  • comment.downvoteUrl is now deprecated. Use a POST form instead. See docs.

Version 1.5.6

May 29, 2020


  • Properly fix XSS vulnerability.
  • Fix an error for PHP 7.4.

Version 1.5.5

May 28, 2020


  • Fix XSS issue for guest names containing potentially malicious values. Credit to Paweł Hałdrzyński Limpid Security.
  • Fix XSS issue for asset volume names containing potentially malicious values. Credit to Paweł Hałdrzyński Limpid Security.
  • Fix CSRF issue for trashing a comment. Credit to Paweł Hałdrzyński Limpid Security.

Version 1.5.4

May 19, 2020


  • Improve comments/base/resave-structure by trying to find an existing comments structure

Version 1.5.3

May 18, 2020


  • Fix some Ajax actions (vote, flag) not working in some instances.
  • Fix allowAnonymous error, thrown when trying to comment.

Version 1.5.2

May 18, 2020


  • Add comments/base/resave-structure console command.

Version 1.5.1

May 18, 2020


  • Add read-only structure info to settings. Useful for debugging.

Version 1.5.0

May 15, 2020


  • Add showCustomFields config settings. This is default to off, so as not to cause any breaking changes.
  • Add support for basic Craft fields, automatically rendering HTML for some fields. see custom fields.
  • Add docs with regards to custom fields.
  • Fix uploading assets from the front-end. They now work.


  • Use FormData JS to serialise comment form data. Check your site's browser compatibility. We think you'll be fine, unless you need to support IE9.


  • Fix error when a commenter has no name.


May 13, 2020


  • Fix name/email fields appearing when allowGuest is off.

Version 1.4.1

May 13, 2020


  • Fix name/email fields not appearing on templates when being required, but not shown.

Version 1.4.0

May 11, 2020


  • Add guestShowEmailName config option.
  • Add performance improvements, with an 70% reduction in the number of database queries.
  • Add eager-loading for owner element, author element (and photo).
  • Add eager-loading for comment structure. Only applicable for default templates.


  • Clarify Anonymous commenting to be Guest commenting.


  • Deprecated plugin setting allowAnonymous. Use allowGuest.
  • Deprecated plugin setting allowAnonymousVoting. Use allowGuestVoting.
  • Deprecated plugin setting allowAnonymousFlagging. Use allowGuestFlagging.

Version 1.3.12

April 16, 2020


  • Fix logging error Call to undefined method setFileLogging().

Version 1.3.11

April 15, 2020


  • File logging now checks if the overall Craft app uses file logging.
  • Log files now only include GET and POST additional variables.

Version 1.3.10

April 6, 2020


  • Fix error when sending subscribe notifications.
  • Fix error when sending reply notifications.
  • Fix errors with missing structure when moving environments with a project.yaml file.
  • Add structure checks in project config rebuild.

Version 1.3.9

April 5, 2020


  • Add beforeSendSubscribeEmail event.


  • Allow all notification events to have isValid set to prevent sending.


  • Ensure plugin project config is removed when uninstalling.

Version 1.3.8

March 30, 2020


  • Add notificationSubscribeAuto to allow user to auto-subscribe to all comments on an element.


  • Fix wrong plural in german translation. (thanks @FabianWildgrube).
  • Fix incorrect logic and recipient for moderator approved emails.

Version 1.3.7

March 14, 2020


  • Add hideVotingForThreshold.


  • Fix custom fields not saving in settings.
  • Fix custom fields no appearing for GQL queries.
  • Fix incorrect getVotes() function. Change to getAllVotes().

Version 1.3.6

February 29, 2020


  • Add votes, upvotes, downvotes and flags to GQL queries.
  • Add support for anonymous flag/voting.


  • Fix layout and error of replies table in the CP.
  • Fix notification checking for two guest users.
  • Ensure we check for moderation when sending reply notifications.
  • Ensure reply/author notifications are sent when moderation approved.
  • Fix lack of IE support for :scope, throwing JS errors.
  • Fix SVG avatar placeholder.

Version 1.3.5

February 14, 2020


  • Fix SQL error thrown in Postgres when viewing the comments index.

Version 1.3.4

February 11, 2020


  • PHP error when installing via console.

Version 1.3.3

February 3, 2020


  • Fix error when deleting fields, in some circumstances.

Version 1.3.2

February 2, 2020


  • Fix comments not saving on multi-sites, in some circumstances.
  • Fix error when posting a new comment.

Version 1.3.1

January 30, 2020


  • Add support for custom fields on comments.


  • Fix structure not being setup correctly when installing plugin.

Version 1.3.0

January 29, 2020


  • Craft 3.4 compatibility.

Version 1.2.2

January 9, 2020


  • Fix subscribe to singular comment notifications. (thanks @frank-rocketpark).

Version 1.2.1

January 7, 2020


  • Fixed issue causing new comments to not be submitted.

Version 1.2.0

January 6, 2020


  • Add GraphQL support. See docs.
  • Add ability to subscribe to comment threads, or individual comments.
  • Add ability to save additional custom fields content to comments (when using custom templates). Just add your fields with fields[myHandle].
  • Allow passing of custom comment url with a comment submission.
  • Add name of user to comment heading, when replying.
  • Add dutch translation for notifications messages. (thanks @skoften).
  • Add notification for "someone made a comment on element x". (thanks @skoften).
  • Add notification for "someone replied to your comment". (thanks @skoften).
  • Add ownerSection and ownerSectionId comment query params. See docs.
  • Add indexSidebarGroup and indexSidebarIndividualElements config settings. See docs.
  • The comments element index sidebar now groups comments made on entries into their sections.
  • Add defaultQueryStatus to control default query status for comment element queries.
  • Add moderator notifications. Includes two new moderator notification settings, and a user group to define who your moderators are.


  • Notifications will skip sending to the currently logged in user. (thanks @skoften).


  • Fix being unable to edit the content of a comment in the CP.
  • Fix project config using non-uid’s for structure and permissions.
  • Fix incorrect date comparison for autoCloseDays.

Version 1.1.10

September 18, 2019


  • Fix incorrect variables being passed to JS.

Version 1.1.9

August 31, 2019


  • Added guestRequireEmailName, to control whether guests email and name should be required. True by default.
  • Add some example no-JS templates.


  • Fix lack of returning comment/flag/vote models when performing actions on them.

Version 1.1.8

August 6, 2019


  • Update missing translations. (thanks @skoften).


  • Improve security keyword checking. (thanks @skoften).
  • Ensure actual comment content was being checked against security keywords. (thanks @skoften).
  • Fix error when anonymous commenting was enabled.
  • Fix error when deleting comment from CP.


May 25, 2019


  • Add debugging to email notifications.

Version 1.1.7

May 23, 2019


  • Fix SQL error for Postgres when viewing comments in the CP.
  • Update link for email messages.

Version 1.1.6

April 27, 2019


  • Fix comment-saving always assuming comments are from the current user.
  • Fix lack of validation for editing a comment from another user.
  • Fix JS bug where a user could act on another users’ comment from the front-end in some cases.

Version 1.1.5

April 24, 2019


  • Add support for max length. (thanks @ilicmarko).


  • Prevent whitespace being submitted as comments. (thanks @ilicmarko).
  • Clear form if comment or reply was successful. (thanks @ilicmarko).
  • Comments from a deleted user now show as from '[Delete User]'.


  • Fix error when showing a comment from a deleted user.

Version 1.1.4

April 21, 2019


  • Use Craft's date utilities for getting translatable time diff.
  • Remove Carbon dependancy.


  • Fix error with sql_mode=only_full_group_by.
  • Fix error with auto close days enabled.

Version 1.1.3

April 7, 2019


  • Add Dutch language file. (thanks @skoften).


  • Improve comments sidebar (Don’t include deleted elements, Add config limiter, Use group-by query).

Version 1.1.2

March 19, 2019


  • Add override notice for settings fields.


  • Allow render() to override comments query properly.


  • Fix commentDate not being set in some cases.

Version 1.1.1

March 2, 2019


  • Fixed more migration cases from Craft 2.

Version 1.1.0

March 1, 2019


  • Add Google reCAPTCHA v3 for better spam protection.
  • Add better support for multi-site and the owner element (the commented-upon element).


  • Fixed some migration cases from Craft 2.


February 25, 2019


  • Add more checks to migrations.

Version 1.0.7

February 24, 2019


  • Add limit to comments index for large amounts of comments.
  • Fix forcing the current time on any new comment’s commentDate.
  • Add more checks to migrations.


February 21, 2019


  • Fix validation being triggered when comments re-saved through queue


February 20, 2019


  • Fix migration from 1.0.6 (again).


February 20, 2019


  • Fix migration from 1.0.6.

Version 1.0.6

February 20, 2019


  • Add email/name to sort in the CP.
  • Add searching for comment, name and email in the CP.


  • Template now produces #cc-w-{{ elementId }} as opposed to a random number. (thanks @skoften).


  • Fix only being able to vote on a comment once.
  • Fix only being able to flag a comment once.
  • Fix missing owner query function.
  • Refactor CP routes and fix “save and continue route”, fixing an error.
  • Fix error in the CP when trying to refer to an element has been deleted.

Version 1.0.5

January 23, 2019


  • Added support for Emoji's in comments.


  • Fix incorrect commentDate column in flags and votes tables.
  • Fix error thrown when author emails couldn’t be sent.
  • Fix comment not being cleared once submitted (thanks @skoften).
  • Fix error in the CP when trying to refer to an element has been deleted.

Version 1.0.4

November 6, 2018


  • Fix SQL error when trying to order by commentDate.
  • Fix error with multisite saving edit form (thanks @colinmeinke).

Version 1.0.3

October 25, 2018


  • Improve comments index to show each commented-on element.
  • Fix SQL bug in comments index.
  • Fix error on settings for Craft Solo.
  • Properly minify in-built JS.
  • Refactor and improve translations in front-end JS.
  • Fix not passing in siteId for front-end requests, meaning multisite wasn't working.
  • Fix author photo not working (thanks @stevenvandemoortele).
  • Added try/catch block to prevent server error (thanks @skoften).
  • Fix template bug (thanks @stevenvandemoortele).

Version 1.0.2

September 17, 2018


  • Fix missing element methods
  • Fix missing elementId in query for render()
  • Fix commentDate not being set after new comment is created (causing an error to be thrown)
  • Add flag user feedback
  • Fix migration for Craft 2 not renaming comments table

Version 1.0.1

August 26, 2018


  • Switch from dateCreated to commentDate
  • Remove on-delete cascades for owner users and elements. If a user or owner element is deleted, their respective comments won't also be deleted.


  • Ensure structure is cleaned up after uninstall
  • Removed craft 2 plugin that stuck around (wha?)

Version 1.0.0

August 25, 2018


  • Craft 3 release, major refactor and rewrite from the ground up.
  • Brand new, single-line include via craft.comments.render() which renders comments and form. Includes front-end CSS and Ajax-driven vanilla JS and is designed to be a drop-in solution to add comments to your site. You can of course still override or replace all aspects of the front end resources.


  • craft.comments.all() has been deprecated. Use craft.comments.fetch() instead.
  • craft.comments.form() has been deprecated. Use craft.comments.render() instead.
  • Simplified templates - find them in comments/src/templates/_special.
  • Countless bug fixes, and improvements!

Version 0.4.9

November 4, 2017


  • Minor fix for sidebar icon.

Version 0.4.8

October 17, 2017


  • Verbb marketing (new plugin icon, readme, etc).
  • Add plugin settings variable.


  • Improved onTrashComment and onBeforeTrashComment events.
  • Swap comment output macro for native {% nav %} tag - better supports element queries such as level.

Version 0.4.7

October 9, 2016


  • Fixed template error for permissions settings for Craft Personal/Client versions.
  • Fixed EntryModel.owner issue where checking for non-entry elements being commented on.

Version 0.4.6

September 23, 2016


  • Added ability to disable spam checks.


  • Fixed support for adding comments to non-entry elements.
  • Fixed typo in edit comment controller action.

Version 0.4.5

September 2, 2016


  • Added support to permanently delete comment from within the CP.
  • Added user permissions to allow edit or trash of comments for other users.
  • Added canEdit() and canTrash() method to Comment Model.


  • Changed current 'delete' terminology to 'trashed', which is technically more correct.
  • onBeforeDeleteComment event changed to onBeforeTrashComment.
  • onDeleteComment event changed to onTrashComment.
  • deleteActionUrl template action is now trashActionUrl.
  • comments/delete controller action is now comments/trash. Raises a deprecation notice.
  • Commenting permissions now only support native Craft elements.


  • Fixed case where another logged in user could edit/save/delete comments from another user.
  • Fixed permissions errors when checking for elements.

Version 0.4.4

June 24, 2016


  • Fixed issue with comments index showing comment id, not user name.
  • Move Save Comment button above content on edit comment page (for consistent Craft behaviour).

Version 0.4.3

June 23, 2016


  • Permissions to control when elements are comment-able.
  • New fieldtype to provide element-specific control on commenting.
  • Added support for craft.spamguard.


  • Fixed error in comments element index - introduced in 0.4.2.

Version 0.4.2

April 2, 2016


  • Added element attribute to CommentModel.
  • Added parent attribute to CommentModel.
  • Added comment attribute to FlagModel.
  • Added user attribute to FlagModel.
  • Added comment attribute to VoteModel.
  • Added user attribute to VoteModel.


  • Code formatting.

Version 0.4.1

April 2, 2016


  • Added author attribute to CommentModel.
  • Added isGuest() method to CommentModel.
  • Added email notifications for element authors and for other commenters when replying.


  • Comments are now a little tidier in the element index table.
  • Filter via Status in control panel.

Version 0.4.0

March 16, 2016


  • Craft 2.5+ support, including release feed and icons.
  • Comments can now be edited through the front-end.
  • Added support for querying comments via votes
  • Added onBeforeSaveComment hook.
  • Added onSaveComment hook.
  • Added onBeforeDeleteComment hook.
  • Added onDeleteComment hook.
  • Added onBeforeFlagComment hook.
  • Added onFlagComment hook.
  • Added onBeforeVoteComment hook.
  • Added onVoteComment hook.


  • Reorganise settings pages - separate flag/voting.
  • Flagging comments and voting can be enabled/disabled altogether.
  • Comments now require moderation by default.
  • Lots of refactoring and reorganising.
  • Removed Comments fieldtype.
  • Comments are shown in hierarchical structure when in control panel.
  • Full ajax and non ajax support for endpoints.
  • Renamed comments/add to comments/save.
  • Simplified and improved templates for single template tag.
  • Simplified example code for ajax and non ajax handling.
  • Comment forms handle validation properly, actual error messages and remembers text on validation.


  • Fixed comments/edit endpoint to include validation/security.

Version 0.3.8

December 31, 2015
  • Fixes for field settings messing things up. Notice The Comments fieldtype will soon be removed in favour of centralized permissions.
  • Other bugfixes and improvements.
  • Ensure works well on Craft Client/Craft Personal.

Version 0.3.7

December 31, 2015
  • Added the ability to get total comments per element id using {{ }}.

Version 0.3.6

December 31, 2015
  • Added security measures. You can now provide values to check against all attributes of a comment and action accordingly. Comments can be marked as pending, spam, or simply not allowed to be submitted. See Security
  • Support sorting comments by votes.
  • Added optional flood-control settings. Enforces minimum time to wait between posts. Works for anonymous and logged-in users.

Version 0.3.5

December 31, 2015
  • Added Schema Tags to templates (see #19).

Version 0.3.4

December 31, 2015
  • Added threshold for downvotes - if over specified limit, isPoorlyRated will be true.
  • Comments can be set to auto-close after a defined amount of days since the elements creation.

Version 0.3.3

December 31, 2015
  • Altered settings pane - now with multiple tabs.
  • Updated permissions UI.
  • Comments can be closed, disabling editing, deleting and replies. Accessible through isClosed.

Version 0.3.2

December 31, 2015
  • Added basic sharing comment options. Provides permalink, Twitter and Facebook sharing.

Version 0.3.1

December 31, 2015
  • Organise examples seperately. Better testing locally (symlinks).
  • Added standard, non-Ajax example.
  • Cleanup Ajax example - refactor.
  • Checked all routes perform either via Ajax, or standard POST.

Version 0.3.0

December 31, 2015
  • Added edit/delete (trashing) for users. Anonymous users can't do either.
  • Added new set of templates for different comment statuses, allowing different templates for pending, approved, trashed and spam comments.
  • Cleaned up comments UI to include dropdown options. Better user-handling.
  • Alter Ajax example, ajax for voting, flagging, editing, deleting.
  • Fixed, users could vote on their own comments.
  • Fixed, remove voting arrows when unable to vote.
  • Added canVote, canUpVote, canDownVote variables for better handling in templates. Checks are also done server-side.
  • Some serious spelling mistakes for voting functions :)
  • Added back voteCount.

Version 0.2.1

December 31, 2015
  • Seperated plugin settings to its own 'real' tab. Bad UX being directed off to plugin settings, then being redirected to plugins screen.
  • Added Permissions to control elements (and element types) comments are allowed to be made on. More convenient/centralised that custom field for each element.

Version 0.2.0

December 31, 2015
  • Preserve comment formatting. Changed comment field to textarea in templates.
  • Comments have access to objects for flags and votes. Removed flagCount and votesCount in favour of using length Twig filter.

Version 0.1.2

December 31, 2015
  • Added support for comments to be made on any element type (entries, users, assets, etc).

Version 0.1.1

December 31, 2015
  • Added support for voting on comments.
  • Added support for flagging inappropriate comments.
  • After set amount of flags made against a comment, the 'isFlagged' property on the comment is true. Configurable through settings.

Version 0.1.0

December 31, 2015
  • Initial beta release.