Version 2.0.3

July 21, 2024


  • Add Link::linkUri.


  • Change element-based links properly checking if their linked-to element is “empty”. For example, linking to a disabled element will now make isEmpty return true.


  • Fix an error for multi-site installs where element links were being incorrectly propagated.
  • Fix element links not having their linkSiteId value reset when removing a linked element.

Version 2.0.2

June 15, 2024


  • Add Link::lowerDisplayName.


  • Change Link::lowerDisplayName to Link::lowerClassDisplayName.
  • Change Link::displayNameSlug to Link::classDisplayNameSlug.


  • Fix an error where min/max links are validated for non-multi link fields.
  • Fix an error for not handling invalid link content correctly.
  • Fix some JS not initializing for some fields when switching link types.
  • Fix an error for Feed Me.

Version 2.0.1

May 31, 2024


  • Update non-English translations.
  • Update English translations.
  • Update French translations. (thanks @pascalminator).
  • Update German translations. (thanks @MoritzLost).
  • Improve instructions text contrast for sub-fields.


  • Fix link text returning a value when an invalid link.
  • Fix an error when determining the link text automatically when the linkText field is excluded from the link type.
  • Fix link type placeholder not being able to be overwritten.
  • Fix Link Type labels not being translated.
  • Fix link type translations.
  • Fix incompatibility issues with Matrix fields
  • Fix multi-link Hyper fields showing the incorrect “more” button for a single tab link type
  • Fix link type slide-out button not working correctly

Version 2.0.0

May 17, 2024


  • Add Link::getLinkType() to return the LinkInterface for the link’s type.
  • Add Formie forms as a link type.


  • Now requires PHP 8.2.0+.
  • Now requires Craft 5.0.0+.
  • New element-based links on a multi-site now propagate the linked-to element for the same owner site.


  • Fix an error where custom text set on a link is retained next time the same link is rendered (without custom text).
  • Fix an error with custom fields retaining values after initial creation.
  • Fix link type dropdown styling on Safari.
  • Fix field changes being triggered when no changes had been made.


  • Remove migrations for other plugin (not supported in Craft 5).

Version 1.2.0

July 21, 2024


  • Add Link::linkUri.
  • Add “Create backup” checkbox for migrations.
  • Add create-backup console command option for migrations.
  • Add missing descriptions for console commands.


  • Change element-based links properly checking if their linked-to element is “empty”. For example, linking to a disabled element will now make isEmpty return true.
  • Improve GraphQL Schema generation performance. (thanks @markhuot).
  • Handle migration of anchor-only URLs for Typed Link fields.


  • Fix Typed Link migration for Site link types.
  • Fix parsing emoji's in link URLs. (thanks @sfsmfc).

Version 1.1.32

June 15, 2024


  • Add Link::lowerDisplayName.


  • Change Link::lowerDisplayName to Link::lowerClassDisplayName.
  • Change Link::displayNameSlug to Link::classDisplayNameSlug.


  • Fix an error where min/max links are validated for non-multi link fields.
  • Fix an error for not handling invalid link content correctly.
  • Fix some JS not initializing for some fields when switching link types.

Version 1.1.31

May 31, 2024


  • Update non-English translations.
  • Update English translations.
  • Improve instructions text contrast for sub-fields.


  • Fix link text returning a value when an invalid link.
  • Fix an error when determining the link text automatically when the linkText field is excluded from the link type.
  • Fix link type placeholder not being able to be overwritten.
  • Fix Link Type labels not being translated.
  • Fix link type translations.

Version 1.1.30

May 18, 2024


  • Hyper link’s text now uses the placeholder for the field if defined, otherwise falling back to “Read more”.

Version 1.1.29

May 11, 2024


  • Add console migration for Typed Link fields (legacy) for older Typed Link installs.


  • Update French translations.
  • Changed the default text for links to Read more when text cannot be resolved. This improves URL-based links not relying on text to be defined to render the link at all.


  • Fix an error when setting the element cache. (thanks @boboldehampsink).
  • Fix an error where custom text set on a link is retained next time the same link is rendered (without custom text).

Version 1.1.28

April 29, 2024


  • Update non-English translations.
  • Update English translations.


  • Fix an error with custom fields retaining values after initial creation.
  • Fix other link plugin migrations where owner fields like Matrix and Super Table were incorrectly referenced.
  • Fix Link::getText() not using a defined fallback text value correctly.
  • Fix programmatically creating links not working for some link types.

Version 1.1.27

April 10, 2024


  • Add Link::getLinkType() to return the LinkInterface for the link’s type.


  • New element-based links on a multi-site now propagate the linked-to element for the same owner site.


  • Fix link type dropdown styling on Safari.
  • Fix field changes being triggered when no changes had been made.

Version 1.1.26

March 29, 2024


  • Add Formie forms as a link type.


  • Fix an error when limiting link types and removing the current link type of a link.
  • Fix Shopify Product link type label.
  • Fix Typed Link migration not including suffixes for element link types.
  • Fix an error where other field content would be cleared when Hyper field content was initialized at the same time.
  • Fix Typed Link migration not including suffixes for element link types.

Version 1.1.25

March 23, 2024


  • Fix validation not working correctly for link blocks.

Version 1.1.24

March 22, 2024


  • Fix an error when creating new link blocks, not respecting the default link type.

Version 1.1.23

March 22, 2024


  • Add field migration note for when no fields are found to migrate.
  • Add counter to field migration utility to make it easier to troubleshoot any failed fields.


  • Link blocks no longer show a border around the block for single links, when the header is hidden.
  • Link block headers now hide the header when not required.


  • Fix an error if an existing link block is set to a type that’s no longer in its allowed types.
  • Fix an error with Embed links with image processing.
  • Fix an error when rendering Commerce Variant links.
  • Fix UI overflow for field.
  • Fix Typed Link migration for multi-site installs.

Version 1.1.22

March 18, 2024


  • Add backupOnMigrate plugin setting to control whether backup are performed when migrating from another link plugin.

Version 1.1.21

March 4, 2024


  • Add the ability to set the column type for Hyper fields.


  • Embed link types now create <iframe> elements when embed responses don’t contain them.


  • Fix custom attributes not saving correctly.
  • Fix Selectize fields not working properly when re-ordering link blocks which Hyper was contained in a Matrix/Super Table field.

Version 1.1.20

January 30, 2024


  • Add the ability to make the linkValue a required field.


  • Fix element-based link types not validating correctly when a non-uri element is selected.
  • Fix being unable to select User elements for User link type.
  • Fix when making changes to a link, switching between link types would not retain any changes.

Version 1.1.19

December 20, 2023


  • Add validation support for Embed fields, when supplied with an invalid URL.
  • Add imageWidth and imageHeight to embed data for Embed fields, when resolveHiResEmbedImage is enabled.


  • Fix an error when fetching an invalid URL for Embed links.

Version 1.1.18

December 8, 2023


  • Add “allowed domains” plugin setting, to control what domains are allowed to be used in Embed link types.
  • Add resolveHiResEmbedImage for Embed fields to resolve hi-resolution images for embed data.
  • Add “Embed Preview” field layout UI element.
  • Add linkValue to GraphQL queries for Hyper fields for the raw value of the link (useful for embed link types).
  • Add extra logging when unable to render a Hyper field block.
  • Add error logging to Embed link types.


  • Improve Embed link type performance when saving elements.
  • Embed link types now fetch the most hi-res image available.
  • Embed links now include the description for the link’s title attribute, if “Link Title” field is enabled.


  • Fix Embed link type fetching extra times when the link’s URL hasn’t changed.
  • Fix support for Embed v3 for Embed links, when other plugins (spicyweb/craft-embedded-assets) still use it.
  • Fix an error when deleting link blocks.
  • Fix Assets fields rendering the “Upload files” button multiple times when re-rendering.
  • Fix styles when dragging link blocks.

Version 1.1.17

November 25, 2023


  • Add blocktype errors for Matrix and Super Table fields when migrating from Typed Link fields.


  • Fix an error when invalid linkValue was set for element link types.
  • Fix an error with linkField autofocus being incorrectly set.
  • Fix an issue with setting custom linkText when rendering fields. text should now be used.


  • Deprecate setting linkText when calling getLink(). Use text instead.

Version 1.1.16

October 26, 2023


  • Fix an error when deleting a link block.
  • Fix an error for non-multiple links and some fields in the slide-out editor.

Version 1.1.15

October 12, 2023


  • Fix missing templates for Shopify Product link types.

Version 1.1.14

October 3, 2023


  • Fix some visual inconsistencies with link blocks.
  • Fix an error for nested Hyper fields.
  • Fix save button for plugin settings.
  • Fix an error when re-ordering link blocks.

Version 1.1.13

September 25, 2023


  • Fix missing translations.
  • Fix link block background clip.
  • Fix field handles not showing for link attributes and custom fields.
  • Fix an issue when re-ordering multiple links.

Version 1.1.12

September 15, 2023


  • Add support for Shopify Product links.


  • Update cache after slug/uri changes. (thanks @nateiler).


  • Fix an error for some field setups and failing linktypes.
  • Fix fields in the settings slideout not saving correctly in some cases.
  • Fix a visual bug when dragging multiple Hyper link blocks in the element slideout.
  • Fix multi-link “Add link” buttons not working correctly for nested Hyper fields.
  • Fix field not initializing correctly in Super Table or Matrix field settings.
  • Fix being unable to pick Variants for Variant link type.

Version 1.1.11

August 10, 2023


  • Add Link::checkElementUri().


  • Fix some fields not having their JS initialized when used in the link type “Content” tab.
  • Fix an error with Matrix (and some other fields) caused by incorrect Linktype validation calls when saving a Hyper field.
  • Fix incorrect results when trying to eager-load Hyper fields.
  • Fix an error when Hyper fields are initialized too early, before Craft and Hyper are ready.
  • Fix lightswitch UI on Craft 4.4.16+.
  • Fix “fresh” check for blocks, affecting some defaults for some fields (Button Box) saving over content.

Version 1.1.10

July 21, 2023


  • Add support for rel in custom attributes field value, when also enabling “new window”.
  • Add extra debugging message for Linkit migration when link types cannot be migrated.
  • Add support for migrating Product link type for LinkIt.


  • The Link type dropdown now shows as disabled if only a single link type.


  • Fix nested Hyper fields not working correctly.
  • Fix an error where checking if Craft was initialized too early results in empty Hyper fields.

Version 1.1.9

July 11, 2023


  • Add French translations. (thanks @scandella).
  • Add custom link type checks to migrations.
  • Add cache utility to clear caches for element links.


  • Update link field migrations to disable any link types that weren’t present in the respective original link plugin (e.g. Embed).
  • Field settings now no longer open the settings for the first link type automatically.


  • Fix LinkIt migration for social media URLs (Facebook, Twitter, etc), not migrating correctly.
  • Fix translations for some strings.
  • Fix an error when Hyper fields are initialized too early, before Craft and Hyper are ready.
  • Fix default new window setting for multiple link version not working correctly. (thanks @JeroenOnstuimig).

Version 1.1.8

June 25, 2023


  • Add link types to GraphQL queries.
  • Add Link::isElement().


  • Element links now only return an element value when the linked-to element is enabled.


  • Fix GraphQL queries containing isElement and isEmpty.
  • Fix LinkInterface not being registered properly as a GraphQL interface.
  • Fix some field layout elements not allowing custom instructions text.
  • Fix an error when uninstalling third-party elements that register a link type.

Version 1.1.7

May 27, 2023


  • Fix Feed Me support for older Feed Me versions (pre

Version 1.1.6

May 17, 2023


  • Fix a migration error with Typed Link fields in Vizy fields.
  • Fix an issue where Hyper fields weren’t working in Vizy fields.

Version 1.1.5

May 11, 2023


  • Add compatibility with Vizy 2.1.x.


  • Allow text and linkText options to override link text for getLink() calls.
  • Link attributes defined in the field settings can now be overridden in templates.


  • Fix an error in some cases with an empty element select modal.
  • Fix place link type settings not saving correctly.
  • Fix an issue using Smith to clone Matrix fields containing Hyper fields.
  • Fix classes define in templates not merging with field settings classes.

Version 1.1.4

April 7, 2023


  • LinkCollection now implements ArrayAccess to allow index-access for Hyper field values.


  • Fix some HTML characters being stripped incorrectly due to LitEmoji processing.
  • Fix HTML characters not being encoded/decoded correctly for field values.

Version 1.1.3

April 4, 2023


  • Fix empty link states for Email and Phone links.
  • Fix an error when creating the field cache for new fields.
  • Increase z-index for tooltips when in live preview or editor slide-out.

Version 1.1.2

March 14, 2023


  • Fix an error with Commerce Product/Variant link types.

Version 1.1.1

March 7, 2023


  • Fix an issue registering link types when Hyper isn’t fully initialized.
  • Fix an error with element caches for Asset links.

Version 1.1.0

March 5, 2023


  • Add Commerce Product and Variant link types.
  • Add hyper/migrate/typed-link-field console command for migration.
  • Add hyper/migrate/typed-link-content console command for migration.
  • Add hyper/migrate/linkit-field console command for migration.
  • Add hyper/migrate/linkit-content console command for migration.
  • Add hyper/migrate/link-field console command for migration.
  • Add hyper/migrate/link-content console command for migration.
  • Add embedDetectorsSettings to pass to embed settings. (thanks @kylecotter).
  • Add embedHeaders plugin setting to provide settings for Embed link fetching.
  • Add embedClientSettings plugin setting to provide settings for Embed link fetching.


  • Improve third-party link field content migration. You can now run the migration for the field and content separately and safely multiple times, and per-environment.
  • Update multi-link fields to not show a link type dropdown when only one link type is available.


  • Fix select fields not working for link blocks when re-ordered for Craft 4.4+.
  • Fix Redactor not working correctly for link blocks when re-ordering.
  • Fix an visual overflow issue for link blocks.
  • Fix asset link types not working correctly to select assets.
  • Fix multi-link fields not allowing all links to be removed.
  • Fix a infinite loop issue when link types contain custom fields.
  • Fix an error when Hyper hasn’t been fully initialised yet, setting link type objects.
  • Fix an issue where a disabled link type could be chosen as the default for the field.


March 1, 2023


  • Fix settings icon not appearing for multi-link fields.
  • Fix a potential error with field layout config when saving fields.


March 1, 2023


  • Fix settings icon not appearing for multi-link fields.

Version 1.0.5

March 1, 2023


  • Add error text when unable to render the link’s HTML for general errors.
  • Add error text when unable to render the link’s HTML due to field layout issues.


  • Fix an error with invalid field layout data..
  • Fix multi-link fields with a single tab for linktype settings throwing an error.
  • Fix project config change inconsistencies for link types.
  • Fix element cache for element links not working correctly for multi-site installs.
  • Fix incorrect valueType() for field.
  • Fix an error when deleting a Matrix or Super Table block type throwing an error with Hyper fields.
  • Fix link type field layouts not persisting once edited.
  • Fix link types not saving a custom order in the field settings.
  • Fix an error when running project config rebuild.

Version 1.0.4

February 21, 2023


  • Fix classes not applying with getLink({ class: ‘…’ }).
  • Fix a migration issue for Vizy fields containing Super Table/Matrix fields with links.

Version 1.0.3

February 18, 2023


  • Fix an error migrating Typed Link fields for element-based links with cache data.
  • Fix an error when migrating Typed Link fields, when multiple ones are in a Matrix field.
  • Fix a visual gap for new link button for multi-link fields.
  • Fix an error when rendering fields that used to have an element for the link value, not being null.

Version 1.0.2

February 16, 2023


  • Add asString as a param to Link::getLinkAttributes().


  • Fix custom link text not overriding for Element or Site link types.

Version 1.0.1

February 16, 2023


  • Add more logging more failed content table migrations.
  • Add UID to field migration output for fields.


  • Fix an unhandled error when migrating, where a corresponding Hyper link type cannot be found.
  • Fix a potential error when migrating fields.
  • Fix an error when migrating empty field content.
  • Fix an error with field settings not having their enabled link type state set correctly.
  • Fix a validation error when saving element drafts.

Version 1.0.0

February 14, 2023


  • Initial release